Notre Dame organist to play Westminster Abbey

Notre Dame organist to play Westminster Abbey


norman lebrecht

January 23, 2024

The celebrated Olivier Latry, still unable to play at home, will perform in a concert at Westminster Abbey on Thursday 11th April at 7.00pm. The programme will include works by French composers such as Alexandre Guilmant, Louis Vierne, Jehan Alain and Pierre Cochereau.

More remarkable still is the series he will be playing in. It is headlined ‘Westminster Abbey celebrates links with France in a spring events season, Fraternité.’

They must just love that on the secular side of Westminster, across Parliament Green.


  • Del-boy says:

    “love that on the secular side of Westminster, across Parliament Green”…

    So secular Norman, that they open every days business in parliament with Morning Prayers.

    • Hilda Ducky says:

      Is this a subtle critique of the Lords Spiritual rather inconsistent approach to liturgy such as the ABC’s opaque taste in vestments?

  • Hilda Ducky says:

    ‘to play Westminster Abbey’? Is that supposed to be the same as playing at the Rialto?

    Will the vergers offer a chorus line?

  • No riff-raff says:

    Will Norman’s favourite young organist be playing a return match at ND?

    I can hear it now. The Bridge on the River Kwai theme played on the chamades followed by a Spice Girls medley.

    Wait. Wait. Get your phones out!

    Make us proud!

  • Sue Sonata Form says:

    Olivier Latry, Organist Titulaire, Nostre Dame. It will be SOME recital. Wish I could be there!!!

  • John Borstlap says:

    Latry is a great musician…. handling the instrument at Notre Dame with the required 5 hands as can be seen from the keyboards.