Jonas Kaufmann to sing at Franz Beckenbauer funeral

Jonas Kaufmann to sing at Franz Beckenbauer funeral


norman lebrecht

January 18, 2024

The foremost German tenor will perform three songs at tomorrow’s obsequies in the Munich Allianz Arena for Germany’s greatest footballer. Kaufmann is a lifelong Bayern Munich fan.

The opening song, in Italian, will be Bocelli’s hit ‘Con te partiro’ -Time to say Goodbye.


  • Bloom says:

    His latest album is so awful and he keeps promoting it everywhere. With lethal obstinacy. On and on.

    • YS says:

      Only because it is filmmusic and not classical music? But the Joh Williams Song I do not Like. Cannot understand his preference for that….

      • Bloom says:

        Because it is bad singing. pompous bad singing, to be more precise, promoted aggressively at weddings, funerals, parties etc. The tenor is on tour.

  • Nik says:

    He might still cancel.

  • TITUREL says:

    Apparently, according to some SD commenters, Kaufmann really should be called “Wehwalt”. However, his Sylvester Siegmund in Berlin was magnificent. So there.

  • YS says:

    It is not the funeral, this hast happened already for family and friends, but tomorrow is a memorial service, which will be seen also on german television from 2 to 4 PM (ARD)

  • Don Ciccio says:

    Beckenbauer had a lifelong interest in classical music. He was a Celibidache fan, among other things.


  • Anthony Sayer says:

    Der Kaiser muss versteinen.

    RIP Franz, the last of the German football greats, while we have to deal with a bunch of savage, illiterate mercenaries.

  • Helen says:

    Con te patrio is not on the latest album. The Sound of Movies. What is it with the folk on this blog site who are always trying to trash Kaufmann. Why don’t you just get over yourselves?

    • Bloom says:

      It is still very bad. In the worst possible way : bombastically bad. He recidivates in the same pompous style on his latest album!

      • Helen says:

        You are boring in your constant sniping about Kaufmann. What exactly is your problem that you always have to criticise him about anything and everything. You don’t like him! I think we have got the message. Thank goodness many others do, including me.There are singers I don’t like but I don’t keep taking to blogs such as this to vent my spleen about them.

        • Bloom says:

          The tenor compares Franz Beckenbauer’ s memorial service with Xmas because omg it is so “popular” (!!!!). He even postponed his African vacation because he didn’t want to miss such a “popular” thing. “Popularity” is what makes him tick. (Thank God death is also very popular.)

          • Helen says:

            You know nothing!

          • Michael says:

            I just listened to his contributions to the memorial service and was very moved. Like Helen, I cannot understand those who take every opportunity to snipe at this great – yes, great – singer. I cannot find the German text to assess the context of the use of the word “popular”, but if indeed “populär” was used I suggest it may well have been used in the sense of “beloved”.

            It is clear Kaufmann was invited because they were both born and brought up in Munich, Kaufmann was a Bayern Munich fan from childhood and Beckenbauer was a lifelong opera lover, especially Italian opera.

            Farewell to the Kaiser!