Vikingur album reaches 20 million. Watch him live tonight

Vikingur album reaches 20 million. Watch him live tonight


norman lebrecht

December 15, 2023

A DG press release tells us that Vikingur Ólafsson’s recording of Bach’s Goldberg Variations has been streamed over 20 million times since its release in October.

The Icelandic pianist is on an 88-stop world tour.

Tonight you can watch him live from Seoul here.


  • Observing2 says:

    Anyone can do that with the right amount of PR behind you, and the right amount of cash.

    Not saying Vikingur is untalented, but there are 1000+ conservatoire students and graduates who can do exactly what he does and more. You just haven’t heard of them because they never had the chance of luck to shine.

    • Herr Doktor says:

      We saw him live in concert in Boston almost two years ago doing his Mozart program. With the caveat that maybe he was having an off night or was ill or injured and did not disclose as such, the concert itself was pretty terrible. I was left with the impression that a dozen student pianists at New England Conservatory could have performed better. Assuming he was not injured or ill, his technique was substandard – not what I would have expected from a supposedly world-class pianist.

      And his musicianship? (sigh)

      • Observing2 says:

        This doesn’t surprise me at all. Having watched some of his live videos, I don’t think he’d even pass a masters exam at a prestigious conservatoire, let alone get into a major competition such as Cliburn.

        Sadly, labels these days, including DG, enjoy signing up those they deem are marketable in looks….usually meaning blonde and white. The music has and always come second.

        What they fail to notice at most audiences still prefer genuine music making of the highest standards.

      • Esfir Ross says:

        Agree. His rendition of Mozart, Haydn sonatas was egregious. This season he bring Goldberg variations and I’m not going. He’s cheap musician.

    • Katarzyna Krol says:

      Show all of us how talented you are. I bet you can play Bach three times better than Vikingur, right?

  • A.L. says:

    His Goldbergs I found to be dreck. Just awful. I could easily name many others that cast long shadows over this product. Because a product of slick marketing and promotion is all there is to this.

  • Pianofortissimo says:

    Any estimate about how many sold LPs or CDs (in the good times) correspond to 20 million streams in classical music? 20 million complete streams or just started and stopped before completion?

  • Plush says:

    How many records has he sold? Info on streams is incomplete because we do not know how long the auditor listened. Promo push does alienate. He’s a good player but why another Goldberg?

  • Harry Collier says:

    Well, I have 14 different recordings of the Goldberg Variations. And my current favourite is: that by Olafsson.

  • Pl says:

    His discs are overrated and boring. Agreed with above poster re: Goldbergs

  • zayin says:

    20 million paid streaming or free streaming on youtube? And for how many minutes each stream?

    20 million free clicks at 30 seconds each is very different than 20 million paid stream at 1 hour each.

  • Nikos Salingaros says:


    All this public relations hype has obscured the simultaneous release of a far more imaginative recording of the Goldberg variations played on a modern piano. It is by the young Finnish pianist Hannu Alasaarela. I recommend it far and above Vikingur’s competent but ultimately forgettable interpretation.

    • A.L. says:

      Based on your post, I am at present listening to Hannu Alasaarela‘s recording of the Goldbergs. Thus far I am mightily impressed. It is sad that it will never gain the attention and traction it deserves. Maybe they ought to reconsider how they market him. For example, having him pose provocatively semi-nude for his next album cover, or tattooed with graffiti background, or as a certain popular conductor does, with painted fingernails and South Florida-inspired attire. Or something like that.

    • Micaela Bonetti says:

      Thanks to drive my attention to this unknown pianist, Nikos.
      Listened only to Aria yet: bravo.

    • Micaela Bonetti says:

      Now that I listened more (not much published) from Hannu Alassarela on YouTube (magnificently sensitive, wonderful natural rubato in Chopin), would immediately run to listen to him live in case he would perform in the area I live in!
      Splendido musicista.

      Di nuovo un grazie di cuore per avermi dischiuso il suo nome, Mr Nikos!

  • Fernandel says:

    Inarticulated, full of ghost train effects. A sheer disaster.

  • Fernandel says:

    Inarticulate, full of ghost train effects. A sheer disaster.

  • Larry W says:

    So many comments dripping with jealousy!

  • E T says:

    I am one of the twenty million, and after five minutes of listening, I turned off. Did not like at all the opening aria; from there it was all downhill.

  • Mr. Ron says:

    He’s making money, enjoying himself, and helping to popularize classical music. So dump on him.

  • Ory Shihor says:

    I heard him live several years ago in his Los Angeles recital debut (I think it was his debut) at Disney hall and was really blown away. He has his own unique way of playing which I felt was quite compelling. His success is not coincidental and is well deserved.

  • B says:

    Heard him live earlier this year, he played Ravel Concerto in G, and some Bach as an encore. I was really excited to hear him live but left extremely disappointed. Neither his Ravel not his Bach left me a good impression. His stage attitude also gave the impression of a very self-centered person, which you could definitely hear in his playing. Who knows, maybe he’ll change my mind someday! I love being proven wrong.

  • James McCarty says:

    Most of the millions who have heard this gentleman are not even aware that the harpsichord exists, much less that the Goldbergs were written for it. What a shame.