The Slipped Disc 2023 year-end quiz

The Slipped Disc 2023 year-end quiz


norman lebrecht

December 24, 2023

1 Which Hollywood composer bought the BBC’s Maida Vale studios?

2 What was the worst Mahler of 2023? (And not the AI picture attached)

3 Which amateur conductor was caricatured in Tar?

4 Two Opera magazines went under this year – which?

5 Debussy was still alive when she was born. Who was the oldest pianist on record who died this year?

6 In which opera house did a critic get her face rubbed in dog-shit?

7 Whose baton provoked a limerick contest?

8 First Tar, then Maestro. Who’s the next classical biopic?

9 Who said ‘I only became human when I was a widow’?

10 Which soprano is suing the Met?

11 Which King was served by Zadok the Priest?

12 Name the bass singer who was punched by a conductor.



10+ points You are a serious reader of Slippedisc, probably a subscriber

5+ You love reading about music and might benefit from a Slippedisc subscription

2+ You’re just warming up


  • IP says:

    No. 10 is impossible. Fuming against JEG is easy, but naming or remembering the singer. . .

  • IP says:

    Norman, I meant No. 12 of course — can you please correct it? I guess I liked No. 3 so much that it compromised my counting.

  • Don Mcintosh says:

    Where are the answers?

  • Guest Conductor says:

    13. Which Symphony is now known as the Orgasm Symphony?

  • V.Lind says:

    #8: Isn’t there a Callas movie in the works?

    • Larry L Lash says:

      Indeed: director Pablo Larrain is working on „Maria“ starring Angela Jolie. Filming began in October in Budapest.

      But wait! There’s more!
      IMDb lists a film entitled „Callas“ currently in „pre-production“. While no director is listed, the writers are Alfonso Signorini and Niki Caro, with Liu Yifei (star of Disney’s „Mulan“) in the title role.

      May I please sneak in a personal thank you to V.Lind for keeping me on my toes with your responses to my comments throughout the year? Ich wünsche Ihnen einene guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr!