Putin’s puppets sing his praises

Putin’s puppets sing his praises


norman lebrecht

December 19, 2023

A unanimity of praise like this has not been seen since Stalin’s days.

Among the hymn singers are Gergiev, Matsuev, Bashmet and  Ildar Abdrazakov, four musicians of the apocalypse.

The anthem singer is Shaman, Putin’s current favourite.

Shame we won’t be seeing him at Eurovision.


  • A.L. says:

    Netrebko made her presence felt in absentia. But she was there alright, conveniently in invisible if not invincible spirit.

  • Observing2 says:

    Even that singer has a haircut that says ‘I’m a white supremacist’.

    Still, he has a helluva voice.

    Since this is an election where Putin is just a candidate, I’m guessing he could be outvoted and someone else could replace him and then the war will end. Right? Right??

    • IP says:

      People who do not remember or understand the 1930s will of course comment on the haircut, the voice, white this, supremacist that, and then they can happen again.

  • Aleksander says:

    From Osip Mandelstam’s poem: “The Christmas trees of tinsel gold.”..
    With eyes so frightening and cold.

    My grief – prophetic, pertinent,

    My freedom – quieted and distant,

    And ever-laughing, mocking crystal –

    A numb and lifeless firmament.

  • Elizabeth Owen says:

    Why do people blindly follow terrible men like Putin; Netenyahu; Orban, Xi and Trump? The world has gone mad. When they are all sent to the Hague this support will melt away like snow in a heatwave, too late.

    • IP says:

      With permission, Trump’s record on war and peace is impeccable, in fact unique as far as US presidents go. What is true is true.

      • Tiredofitall says:

        Your comment makes my blood run cold.

      • Brettermeier says:

        “What is true is true.”

        And this is not.

        False. Just four of the 13 presidents in office between 1945 and 2020 — Harry S. Truman, Lyndon B. Johnson, George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush – officially brought the country into new full-scale wars (Korea, Vietnam, the Persian Gulf, Afghanistan, Iraq). If we also consider other military interventions, Carter and Ford join Drumpf in not starting or escalating existing foreign conflicts with U.S. military involvement.


        Stupid vatnik.

        • IP says:

          The unnecessary and undeserved insult apart, thanks for the information. I am not a vatnik, just as I am not a MAGA or a never-Trumpist. Maybe you can explain why Biden so easily wasted the progress made by Trump on the Palestine issue. But better not, as this is all about music after all.

          • Brettermeier says:

            “Maybe you can explain ”

            Wasting other people’s time, trolls’ favorite pastime. No thanks.

            Maybe just don’t post random stuff you know nothing about.

    • Wind says:

      What war was started during Trump’s presidency? Why dont you mention Baiden? so many wars were started by him, incliding Yugoslavia bombing 20+years ago.

      • Dixie says:

        Just for your information: NO President or Vice-President of the USA starts a war! Only the US Congress can declare war, which is what happened after the attack on Pearl Harbor on 7 December 1941.

      • Brettermeier says:


        This is funny, because that’s how the name would be transliterated from ruzzian.

        Hey Ivan, one more slip up like that and it’s no potatoes for you for a month!

    • Simpson says:

      Money. Lots of money. Propaganda pays very well there. Then hosting TV shows, becoming a ubiquitous TV personality there which, in turn, leads to even more money. The worst part is that these people know exactly what they are doing, and they do it enthusiastically.

  • frank says:

    Obedience to the state has always been and continues to be the highest value in Russian society. Believing in the greatness of Russia and its civilization helps the Russians hide from themselves the sad fact that Russia has always been and will always be a second rate power.

  • Nicholas says:

    Shame we might not be seeing Israel participate if the growing boycott calls are any indication, however Eurovision is probably all right with the killing of Palistinian journalists, children, and civilians thanks to Bibi’s puppets.

  • Rue says:

    Abdrazakov Is singing with Muti this week, looks like Muti is ok conducting Putin puppets. Putrid.

  • cashier says:

    What Muti is doing is shameful in my opinion.