Fire at the St Petersburg Conservatoire

Fire at the St Petersburg Conservatoire


norman lebrecht

December 08, 2023

A substantial fire broke out yesterday afternoon on the first floor of the Rimsky-Korsakov Conservatoire during the course of construction work.

It appears the building was successfully evacuated. No casualties have been reported.


  • Jean says:

    I wonder if some ammunition was stored there…. (I wouldn’t be too surprised)

  • Alexander Walker says:

    Russian first floor i.e. what we British call the ground floor – looks like it was in the canteen from the photos I have seen….

  • Critical Thinking says:

    Oh-oh, someone is running out of money, surely the fire was purely accidental, for sure not to claim insurance money like theatres in Moscow did in the early 2000s

  • Mikko Suninen says:

    It seems to me that the fire was in the Italian restaurant “Teatro”, situated opposite the old Mariinsky Theatre.