A party I’m sorry I missed

A party I’m sorry I missed

Daily Comfort Zone

norman lebrecht

December 01, 2023

From the Arnold Schönberg Center in Vienna:

Out now – Aaron Wyanski’s interpretation of Schönberg’s Suite for piano op. 25. The piece transforms stylised baroque dances into the musical language of the 20th century using the twelve-tone method. Wyanski takes the next step and transfers the piece into the sphere of 1950s lounge music – without changing a note! Have a listen here. 


  • RW2013 says:

    Fun, but still recognizable!

  • Sam's Hot Car Lot says:

    Great retro album cover. I’ll be interested to see what Mr. Wyanski does next.

  • Joel Kemelhor says:

    Cool and swingin’ !!

  • Ich bin Ereignis says:

    This is interesting, and the artist should be commended for it, but one cannot seriously claim that this rearrangement shows the value of Schoenberg’s twelve-tone method. It would essentially sound the same without abiding by any strict compositional mechanism. The appeal of the piece has to do mostly with its instrumentation and its improvisatory character, regardless of which pitches might actually be used. Much of contemporary jazz can often sound like this.

    I love Schoenberg, but have never been convinced by his serial method. In my opinion his best work remains the Gurrelieder, an absolute masterpiece written by a genius in his mid-twenties. What came after that is often disappointing musically, except when he still abides by some remnant of tonality, as in the 2nd String Quartet, the 3 Pieces Op. 11, or, one might argue, even Pierrot Lunaire.

  • Gene Gaudette says:

    Now THAT is what I call space age bachelor pad music!

  • John Borstlap says:

    Maybe this treatment would cheer up the ‘orgy’ scene of Moses and Aaron a bit.

  • J Barcelo says:

    This is the working link:


    It is rather interesting to listen to, especially on headphones as the L-R separation is remarkably well done. Sounds like the movie soundtrack of a lousy ’50s crime drama.