Oldest recorded pianist dies, at 109

Oldest recorded pianist dies, at 109


norman lebrecht

November 21, 2023

The death is reported of the French pianist Colette Maze, probably the oldest person ever to make a classical record.

She released her fourth album earlier this year.

Home educated in Paris, she found her way to the Conservatoire in her late teens, studying with Alfred Cortot and Nadia Boulanger. She taught piano all her life.


  • Simon Holt says:

    According to Wikipedia: She has released seven classical records, including a CD dedicated to Debussy. In 2021, at the age of 107, she released a sixth album. She released her seventh album at the age of 109 in 2023. Astonishing person! To have known and studied with Cortot!

  • Paul Dawson says:

    An amazing achievement! RIP. It appears that she was active (and, I hope, happy) right through to the end.

    Personally, I am more on the Kundry side. I’d find being condemned to live that long a curse rather than a blessing. Four score years will suffice for me.

  • Robert H Gandler says:

    Collette lived a fulfilling life!

  • Robin CLAVREUL says:

    Génial Merci! She makes me happy and thankful! almost Hopeful! ….
    Robin Clavreul 74 y.o. cellist

  • Richard Harrold says:

    One of two prominent pianists born on the same day in 1914 – the other being the great Eleanor Sokoloff, who herself lived well past her centenary. May they both rest in peace.