Moscow: Gergiev will get his wish tomorrow

Moscow: Gergiev will get his wish tomorrow


norman lebrecht

November 30, 2023

Reports on the Telegram channel say that Valery Gergiev will be presented to staff at the Bolshoi Theatre tomorrow as their new boss. He will head a merged administration of the Bolshoi in Moscow and the Mariinsky in St Petersburg. No word yet on what will happen to the Bolshoi’s ousted Urin.

Since Russian balllet and opera are now isolated from the whole world except China and North Korea, this will be of little international interest.


  • Observing2 says:

    Isolated from the whole world? Russia + China make up half of the whole world, so I guess they’re going fine.

    Very much West vs East now.

    And can we really declare the west to be better, with everything that’s going on.

  • WU says:

    Well, only a few days ago he dismissed the idea (talking about having enough work already) – even ordinary pupils come up with better lies.
    The origins, the centre and the most prestigious stages of classical music are in the “West” – so being cut off from this is a severe loss for Russian music and musicians. Ironically, this year Rachmaninov is celebrated with various concerts and cycles in the “West”, where he decided to live and had a very special relationship with the Philadelphia Orchestra (which replaced the Mariinsky in Baden-Baden (once called “our living room” by Gergiev) for the occasion, led by Nézet-Seguin, who would have severe legal troubles in Russia). Really sad that so few artists in Russia a able to cut ties with their bloody dictator.

    • Allen says:

      You wrote that “Nézet-Seguin, who would have severe legal troubles in Russia”. Could you please clarify what you meant?

  • Track360 says:

    I can tell you that every Russian musician I know who lives in Russia misses playing in the US, Mexico, South America, Australia and Europe. Remember that there is no musicians union in Russia. They can be fired at a moment’s notice. It’s not easy for these people who despise their government but are powerless to do anything. So they do their work as best they can.