Lang Lang turns to the animals

Lang Lang turns to the animals


norman lebrecht

November 10, 2023

Chinese state media have been authorised to publish news of Lang Lang’s next album, due on March 1, 2024.

It will be Saint-Saens Carnival of the Animals and 2nd piano concerto, performed with the Leipzig Gewandhaus and conductor Andris Nelsons. Lang Lang’s wife Gina Redlinger plays second piano on the album.

The pair are due to appear shortly at the Royal Albert Hall.


  • HReardan says:

    He has no shame as he snickers and fawns all the way to the bank. Who didn’t think wifey would eventually piggyback on his fame.? Shrewd yes. Artistically? As low as one can go given his talent.

    • Observing2 says:

      Sorry – what talent?

    • kaa says:

      we need all kinds of artists to promote classical music. The fact that he sells out is a testament to joy that he gives to many people. I dont go to his concert but I am delighted that he is there and making people happy. Don’t go if you don’t like it but remember there are different kinds of people in the world

    • David K. Nelson says:

      Sorry but I do not see a basis for this sneering characterization of the situation given the piece being talked about. The Carnival of the Animals is a party piece meant for the enjoyment of the musicians, pure and simple, and anything that adds to the fun is in the spirit of the piece. Given what the pianists are asked to do, particularly in the movement called Pianists, seems to me a married couple playing the dueling “wrong” notes is an opportunity for a added layer of humor. But maybe that’s just me.
      Nobody’s resume is inflated (or harmed) by playing or recording the second piano part to Carnival of the Animals.

    • John Soutter says:

      Lang Lang – talent?
      I must have blinked!

    • Guest says:

      Does your contempt extend to the Leipzig Gewandhaus Orchestra and Andris Nelsons?

    • Monty Earleman says:

      I know, right??!! He should really be playing Schoenberg, Boulez, and of COURSE Florence Price instead of making all that money!!!

  • Observing2 says:

    His next album might be a cover of musicals…how about naming it ‘send in the clowns?’ after the Sondheim song?

    Seems apt.

  • Jim says:

    Silly way to describe news that is not just on Chinese media but on the front page of DG’s website and all over other media sources.

    It has been reported that Gina Alice has performed with the Berlin Philharmonic on several occasions but I can’t find any record of this. Her bio on the page of Orchestra of Saint Luke’s claims she played in their season finale on May 1, 2014 which seems like impossible timing an anyone verify this?

  • zayin says:

    Techincally, we know Lang Lang can play anything.

    Intellectually, we know Lang Lang can’t go any deeper than the shallow 2 inches of water he wallows in.

    It’s like watching a mentally challenged kid having fun at the beach, as long as he doesn’t go too deep, he won’t drown.

  • Son of Camille says:

    Got anything against t Saint-Saens? (missing umlaut: blame it in my stupid ‘phone)

  • jim says:

    “Turns to the animals?”
    Did you mean “gone to the dogs?”

  • Ann Klass says:

    Can I buy this in Lanzarote?

  • ML says:

    It’s an improvement on the ‘Disney album’ concerts! But on the other hand, there are people willing to pay to hear him perform Disney tunes that a grade 5 student could play, so….I don’t see what the problem is. Both sides are happy. For the real connoisseurs, Paul Lewis, Steven Osborne, Benjamin Grosvenor et al are playing in London, Manchester, Eastbourne etc this season.

  • Domingo says:

    It will be an unforgettable presentation

  • Robert Holmén says:

    Do non-English locales have any tradition of adding the Nash poetry or some thing like it to the proceedings?