Charlotte Church sings out for Palestine Liberation

Charlotte Church sings out for Palestine Liberation


norman lebrecht

November 22, 2023

The one-time ClassicFM star has committed wholeheartedly to ‘the liberation of Palestine and the liberation of the Palestinian people.’

She says: ‘I’ll be going live on Instagram every Monday and Friday at 6:30am, I hope you’ll join me in singing for the liberation and protection of the Palestinian people. I’d be really grateful if anybody knows of any Palestinian songs that I can learn, if you do then please send them my way.’

Her support will be much appreciated by the mass rapists, murderers and child kidnappers of Hamas.


  • Save the MET says:

    Musicians who take up political causes like a business immediately lose a big chunk of their audience. Someone needs to take this misguided singer aside and spend some time with her on the history of this problem. It is not apartheid, or a diaspora. The embrace by Palestine by terrorist operations like Iranian supported Hamas and Hezbollah have led to their problems with Israel. If the Palestinians had kicked these organizations to the curb and desired peace, things would have been solved long ago. By taking this stance, she’s destroying her reputation among a large swath of her audience.

  • Carl says:

    Love her. She’s got moral backbone unlike you with your racial supremacist views. [redacted sentence: outright lies]

  • Warren says:

    Another moron posing as a virtue signaling ‘expert.’ She was a has been a decade ago. Had a friend that played in a pickup band when she appeared on TV. He’d never to that for her again.

  • Elizabeth Owen says:

    All Palestinians are not Hamas as you well know. It’s like you claiming that all Irish people are members of the IRA.

    • Herr Doktor says:

      One can be BOTH in favor of Palestinian rights (which have been under assault by Israel for many decades now – and this has been and continues to be an outrage) and also be AGAINST Hamas and the revolting violence they and/or other Palestinians have perpetrated against Israelis.

      It’s the religious extremists, Jewish and Islamic (and cynical politicians who manipulate them for their own selfish ends – i.e. the criminally corrupt and discredited Netanyahu, among others) who are the problem. I’m convinced that the majority of Palestinians and the majority of Israelis want to live in just peace with dignity for each other.

      It’s the other a******s who want “all the cake” for themselves.

  • Anthony says:

    The Palestinian people who are suffering terribly at the hands of the Israeli army are not Hamas terrorists, just as many Israelis are not violent terrorist settlers. And if you are going to trash everyone who doesn’t agree with your extreme political views, Mr. Lebrecht, perhaps you should leave off commenting on music and start a blog dealing with politics. Your behaviour here is no different from what you accuse Ms. Church of doing.

    • Paul Dawson says:

      Well said. I am surprised at, but admire, NL’s willingness to publish so many articulate comments critical of him.

  • A.L. says:

    I know one she can sing:
    “Palestine über alles”

  • Paul Joschak says:

    What an appalling useful idiot she is.

  • Jerimiah weeping says:

    “In a conflict marked by complete incomprehension on both sides, the ability to see each other as human has been lost.”
    –New York Times

    I think of the assassinations of Yitzhak Rabin and Anwar Sadat by fanatics in their own country because they moved toward peace. I think of the contemptuous jeering I’ve seen in these pages toward Daniel Barenboim and Edward Said due to their peace efforts.

    How can people involved with the arts do their small part to help solve this age-old conflict? What approaches might work?
    Even the slightest answer here would be welcomed.

  • John Dalkas says:

    Maybe she will sing for the liberation of Palestine and the Palestinian people from Hamas.

  • Jerimiah weeping says:

    Why is it that more than any other art from, music is used for the expression of war and hatred? Here is a truly astounding example and I sure there are equally appalling examples from the other side:

  • Sue Sonata Form says:

    Put your money where you mouth is and get over there. Plenty of available rifles and flak jackets. They’ll gladly exchange places with you.

  • Potpourri says:

    I wondered what happened to young sweet innocent Charlotte Church. I’m sorry I found out.

  • Guest Conductor says:

    “I’d be really grateful if anybody knows of any Palestinian songs that I can learn, if you do then please send them my way.”

    What does this say that a professional musician should be asking this question?

  • kuma says:

    Good god. Time has not been kind to her.

  • Christopher Columbus says:

    It is always good to see someone full of compassion for humankind. It is perplexing why Charlotte Church doesn’t have any compassion for the butchered and tortured civilian Israelis and 240 hostages including a 9 month old baby. And I am still wondering why she hasn’t applied her theory of climate change for the murder of quarter of a million Syrians by their own army to this situation (see Independent 2nd October 2015). And where is her compassion for the more than one million Uighur Moslems in vast concentration camps in China? Could it be that the Palestinian cause, supported by 30,000 UNRWA employees guaranteed jobs for life, is a bandwagon too good to miss?

  • Tim says:

    She can sing a duet with Roger Waters. It’ll be great.

  • Tom says:

    The music, not so much.

  • IP says:

    It was already inherent in her presumed singing