Two music teachers among the Hamas dead

Two music teachers among the Hamas dead


norman lebrecht

October 21, 2023

The teenaged son of two victims of the Hamas massacres has been talking about his murdered parents, a devoted pair of music teachers at Kibbutz Holit.

Shlomi Mathias and his wife Shahar Debby were music teachers from Kibbutz Holit. When Hamas terrorists attacked them in their home, they sheltered their 16-year-old son, Rotem. He hid under their bodies for hours and prayed he wouldn’t be noticed when the the terrorists came back to make sure they murdered everyone. He said he heard them laughing.

Shlomi and Shahar dedicated their life to co-existence and peace with their Palestinian neighbours through music.

Here’s Rotem Mathias’s testimony:




  • The View from America says:

    So, Fazil — what do you Say?

  • SNORRI says:

    It is distasteful in the extreme to mourn only the dead on one side of this conflict.

    • Thomas M. says:

      Are there any musicians among the Palestinian dead that would merit an article?

    • Violist says:

      When the terrorists will come to your home and they will, it’ll happen because you took the wrong side. The victims in both sides are because of Hamas- ISIS war crimes. Unfortunately these “objective” positions as yours ,will bring a big big catastrophe to western civilization. Oh…

      • SNORRI says:

        Violist, you have no idea what you’re talking about. As a citizen of the U.S. and of Manhattan on the day of September 11, 2001, I already know what terrorism looks like. And then, as now, I was unshaken in my–dare I say Christian?–conviction that demonizing the other is morally reprehensible. George Bush and company used that tragedy as an excuse to slaughter over 100,000 Iraqi civilians, as Netanyahu and his henchmen are using the tragedy in Israel as an excuse to massacre Palestinian civilians. State terrorism is terrorism nonetheless. I have no trouble calling out my country for its myriad atrocities over the years. It’s the only form of patriotism that makes any sense to me.

        • Z Strings says:

          Israel has never committed an act of terrorism in its existence. Only a terrorist collaborator can accuse it of that.

    • Z Strings says:

      That you can consider this an issue of taste is extremely distasteful.

  • The world is going to hell says:

    If only Netanyahu and his goons had followed the Kibbutzim’s precepts – devoting their life to co-existence and peace with their Palestinian neighbours.

    Since Hamas massacred 1400 Israelis and took hundreds hostage, Israel has probably killed 3 times as many, including a fair few teachers and hundreds of children. It’s also effectively taken several million hostage by closing borders and demanding evacuations.

    As a wise person once said: when they go low, you go high. Netanyahu is playing right into Hamas’s hands, giving them exactly what they want. He’s a fool, and the Israeli electorate are fools for supporting him.

    • Z Strings says:

      What a horrible way of thinking. Blaming the victims, blaming it on politics. Hamass needs no excuse for their attacks. No one knows any honest numbers about how many people Israelis may have killed, and whether they were terrorists or not. If they were terrorists, they got what was coming. Your “sympathy” is ugly.

  • Z Strings says:

    This is indeed tragic and horrifying. I’ve been wondering ever since this happened if there weren’t musicians affected, and how they can be helped.