Qatar Philharmonic scraps classical festival for Palestine event

Qatar Philharmonic scraps classical festival for Palestine event


norman lebrecht

October 23, 2023

The emirate of Qatar, major funders of Hamas terrorism and home to its war-criminal leader (pictured), has ordered its philharmonic orchestra to stage propaganda concerts:

Doha, Qatar: In response to the ongoing crisis in Palestine, the Qatar Philharmonic Orchestra (QPO) has taken the decision to reschedule its 15th anniversary music festival…. Instead, QPO is turning its attention to hosting two benefit concerts titled “Peace for Palestine” on October 27 and 28, to be held at the Qatar National Convention Centre, Auditorium 3.

According to the announcement on the QPO website, “these events will be an opportunity to bring together the power of music, unity, and empathy to advocate for Palestine. All proceeds from ticket sales will be dedicated to supporting humanitarian efforts in Palestine.”

“Peace for Palestine” promises an unforgettable evening of music and compassion. “An orchestral concert dedicated to providing relief and support for the people of Palestine. This extraordinary event will feature the enchanting soprano Yosra Zekri, along with distinguished conductor Andreas Weiser, coming together in harmony for hope.”

…The QPO’s three-day music festival supposedly scheduled next week features various concerts such as “Mozart: A Musical Sitcom,” “Music from the Baroque Courts,” “Music from the Middle East,” “Pearls of the Philharmonic,” “QPO on Tour,” and “Film Music,” will now be held in April 2024.


  • Elizabeth Owen says:

    What’s wrong with raising money for humanitarian efforts in Palestine?

    • norman lebrecht says:

      If it’s from Qatar, it will go to fund Hamas terrorism. Just like US fund-raising for the IRA,

      • Has Questions says:

        False equivalence. What you are saying might be true but where is the evidence?

        There haven’t been “humanitarian efforts” in Ireland since the late 19th century. These situations are not alike.

      • V.Lind says:

        “All proceeds from ticket sales will be dedicated to supporting humanitarian efforts in Palestine.”

        Not possible?

        “An orchestral concert dedicated to providing relief and support for the people of Palestine.”

        You know, not every pub that held a St. Patrick’s Day event in the US sent money to the IRA. It is just possible this group of people is interested in what they say they are. Many Palestinians are in tents now, depending upon what so far appears to be pretty skimpy aid coming in from Egypt. Efforts like this might help people who have lost their homes, and who fled in the clothes they stood up in. And who had been in places without food and water till the Egypt opening occurred.

        There ARE innocents on this side of the issue too.

      • WU says:

        Exactly – Hamas rules the GAZA strip and this terrorist organization also does not care about the fate of the Palestinian civilians – on the contrary, the more civilian victims there are, the better they can recruit followers, collect money and get images that are useful for their propaganda worldwide – even in Western countries the current attack on Israel is partially denied or downplayed (which does not mean that people in the “West” should not have worked much more resolutely towards a two-state solution for years, but this is almost impossible when there are actors on both sides of the conflict who do not want a solution – even though the majority of the population on both sides want nothing other than peace).

      • Petros says:

        Rather nailing your colours to a very dubious mast here. Israeli good- Palestinian bad! You may regret that once the invasion commences but maybe not.

    • Yaron says:

      The fact that they are used to funds weapons.

  • Z Strings says:

    The well of irony here is as deep as an oil well.

    • Sue Sonata Form says:

      It’s an appalling message from Qatar for its international business operations. There’s an airline, just for starters.

      Please do fly Emirates, who have repatriated Jewish citizens from Israel free of charge. You really do “fly better”.

  • James says:

    Qatar, which has been sending literally suitcases full of cash to Hamas – much of it, we now know, used for weapons and to line the pockets of their enormously corrupt leadership (1700 millionaires!) – should hang its head in shame.

  • Shamai Leibowitz says:

    Why don’t you start this ‘peace concert’ by condemning the barbaric violence of Hamas? That’s a first and necessary step toward peace.

    • Dave T says:

      The event is called “Peace for Palestine”. The full title was probably something like “Peace for Palestine, Annihilation for Israel,” but the ever-alert Qatar Tourism Board suggested a friendlier sounding title. (At the same time they reminded of a swell tennis tournament coming up and, who could forget, Formula 1!)

  • Jimmy says:

    The truth is that all public performances (including the ones for Palestine) are suspended until further notice. You don’t have the right information, Norman.

  • Sue Sonata Form says:

    Well, no more Qatar flights for us. Ever.