In Cleveland, the son also rises

In Cleveland, the son also rises


norman lebrecht

October 09, 2023

The young man in our picture behind Susan Rothmann, chair of Cleveland Institute of Music, appears to be her son, Jeremy Paul.

Mr Paul was appointed Interdisciplinary Artist in Residence at CIM two years ago and is listed on its website as a member of faculty. Not as a family member.

He is also head of Maelstrom Collaborative Arts, a non-profit org. The chair of that organisation is, coincidentally, his mother.

At CIM, we hear, teachers have been urged to find more for him to do.


  • Eric Wright says:

    But wait…. just last week you were complaining that those against these changes were part of a “woke mob” full of “agitators”….

    Could it be that, maybe – juuust maybe – you spoke too soon, flying off the handle before getting any actual information?

    Now we have Kalmer out and one of the premier trumpet players of all time walking away after unfounded legal threats. I’m sure you’ll still come back with more tyrant-speak, lamenting that students actually care about themselves and each other.

    I would really hope you apologize to the students and faculty of CIM, now that we know your initial “assessment” was completely off-base and lacking in any factual basis.

    I’m sure you’ll just go back to complaining about Yuja’s dresses, you never seem to run out of kvetching material there…

  • Monty Earleman says:

    And the plot sickens!!!

  • Antonie says:

    Evidently after Hogle’s new contract and substantial raise ($80K) in March 2021, Mr. Paul was appointed faculty by early 2022.

  • Thornhill says:

    Just a week ago you were complaining that the students were a “mob” and responsible for bringing down the school.

    Sounds like you owe them an apology.

  • sabrinensis says:

    It’s good to be in the Nomenklatura.