Germans build $17m rehearsal hall with 199 seats

Germans build $17m rehearsal hall with 199 seats


norman lebrecht

October 11, 2023

The Philharmonie of South Westphalia has inaugurated a newly built rehearsal hall with state of the art facilities.

The heart of the “House of Music” is the large rehearsal hall with 410 square meters of space. It is twelve meters high. It has space for 199 chairs for visitors. The special highlight is the acoustics: these can be changed with electrically extendable curtains. This makes it possible to recreate acoustic scenarios that prevail at the Philharmonic’s various guest venues.

There are also ten tuning rooms on three floors, which are individually tailored to the respective instruments. Here the musicians can “warm up”, so to speak, before the entire orchestra rehearses together.

In order to avoid vibrations from one voice room being transmitted throughout the building, the rooms are designed as a “room within a room”. They are spring-loaded. All ventilations are designed so that no vibrations can be transmitted.

In order to offer the handcrafted instruments optimal conditions, three rooms with constant humidity regulation were created.

In other news, music director Nabil Shehata has been renewed until 2027.


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