Family gives $50 million to Toronto Symphony

Family gives $50 million to Toronto Symphony


norman lebrecht

October 17, 2023

The estate of H. Thomas and Mary Beck has given $14.7 million to the Toronto Symphony Orchestra, bringing the family’s total gift to more than $50 million over 60 years. Canadian dollars, but still a fortune.

The orchestra is now in surplus and looking to expand under CEO Mark Williams (pictured). He says: ‘I am honoured that, as a part of this legacy, I will be the inaugural Beck Family Chief Executive Officer of the TSO. The Beck Family has been incredibly generous in every conceivable way — our dearest friend and truest ally — and I deeply value the confidence that they have placed in the TSO to be a home for every Torontonian, for generations to come.’


  • Tony says:

    Oh, if only there was that sort of money to keep British orchestras funded especially English National Opera and their orchestra. Wonderful that you have music believers in Canada.

    • Pottershill says:

      Really? Your Prime Minister has a personal net worth of £750m. I think there probably is that sort of money about in the UK

  • drummerman says:

    Congratulations to all concerned but let’s hope they don’t “expand” too much, too soon.

  • FrauGeigerin says:

    Great! Now all the gender and race performers initiatives, the visibility programs, the female and non-white composer new music commission schemes, and the full cultural woke agenda will be properly founded!

    • V.Lind says:

      I wish all symphony orchestras had seasons like this:

    • Sue Sonata Form says:

      Yes, those are legitimate concerns – especially in the Woke Kingdom of Canada. Let us hope sanity prevails.

    • Jean C Kroeber says:

      Liebe Frau Geigerin,
      Ooh, that sounds quite nasty…is that a visible complaint against the CEO, Mr. Williams? You are reiterating the line from Fla. Gov. DeSantis. I think big congratulations are due here for a family so supportive of music.

      • FrauGeigerin says:

        I have no knowledge about the CEO of the orchestra, nor have I any interest or knowledge with US politics and politicians. What genuinely concerns me are initiatives that do not promote equality but rather discriminate against one group to supposedly “compensate” another. Unfortunately, these initiatives are becoming increasingly common in both the US and Canada and are now slowly spreading – like a disease – in continental Europe. Nowadays, it seems that whenever there is “extra funding,” it tends to be allocated to these discriminatory and crazy measures. I wouldn’t be surprised if a significant portion of the donation is used for this purpose, because that is the fashionable and “cool” thing these days.

        • V.Lind says:

          Once again I commend you to the season I have linked above. It contains the standard number of pops and children’s concerts, but the lengthy grownup season features serious musicians playing serious music. Toronto is luckier than many.

          And if you have some objection on racial grounds to Mark Williams I suggest you check his credentials.

          • FrauGeigerin says:

            As I said before, I had never heard of him before and didn’t realize that was the photo of the CEO before writing my comment. Anyone can be influenced by “wokeism,” whether they are white, black, male, or female, and let’s hope that won’t be the case here in future seasons (that will very likely be when the funds are used, as this season has been probably already planned two years ahead). As is often the case, when there is a negative comment about a woman or a non-white person, there is always that one “brilliant” commentator insinuating racism or misogyny.

          • Tiredofitall says:

            You’re being a bit too defensive. Give it a rest.

        • Tiredifitall says:

          Look at their season….and get a grip on reality. A hobby or a professional may help.

    • Tiredofitall says:

      Why would you even make such unfounded assumptions? Rather troll-like behavior.

  • Sue Sonata Form says:

    Absolutely brilliant philanthropy!!

  • Peter San Diego says:

    A marvelous example of support for orchestral music. The TSO should be proud of having merited such a gift. May they be good stewards of that bounty.

  • msc says:

    It is easy enough to find photos of the Becks, so why show one of the CEO, who it seems did not have a particularly large role in the donation?

  • Mr. Ron says:

    There immediately to take a share of the money is Mr. Williams.

    • A Fly on the Wall says:

      @ Mr. Ron – Are you really that stupid, or just pretending to be? The Beck family gift was intended, at least in part, to fund the CEO’s position. Gifts of that magnitude are restricted, by the donor, for specific programs, chairs, etc. Had you ever given given anything other than an ill-informed comment, you would know this.

  • Arthur says:

    What a waste of money. Probably spent already.

  • David A. Boxwell says:

    Then: Performing arts spaces named after rich benefactors.

    Now: Performing arts jobs named after rich benefactors.

  • Robert Holmén says:


    I would have guessed “Torontonite,” but, upon checking, that’s what makes Superman speak bad French.

  • Guest Conductor says:

    “Canadian dollars, but still a fortune.”

  • Jim C. says:

    Wonder what kind of “symphony orchestra” it is going to remain. Big Money usually leads to cheapening.

  • TorontoGirl2525 says:

    I suspect they will be very care with that donation so it does the most good for the orchestra for years to come. The TSO was in serious financial straits in the early 2000s. And with the KW symphony less than an hour’s drive from T.O. going bankrupt, everyone is very wary of survival.

  • Ann Cooper Gay says:

    Congratulations TSO, Mark Williams, CEO, and enormous thanks to the Beck Family. They are true Music Angels. I have known Mark for many years and we are fortunate to have this musician & orchestral promoter living in our midst. He is talented, smart, and tireless.