Evgeny Kissin: Jews are alive and we are fighting

Evgeny Kissin: Jews are alive and we are fighting


norman lebrecht

October 09, 2023

In an emotional film clip from an empty Berlin Philharmonie, the pianist compares Hamas to Hitler and swears they will never prevail. He is the first classical music personality to address the weekend’s calculated war crime of mass-murder in the Middle East.



  • RW2013 says:

    Thanks for your exhilarating K.488 on Friday!

  • Serge says:

    Very delicate topic for the liberal left, of course they support Palestine, but what when Palestine use Putin methods, even worse… dilemma! I think mouths will be shut in this case.

    • Paul Dawson says:

      What a stupid comment. Those of us who protest uncalled-for violence against Palestinian civilians are being entirely consistent in protesting uncalled-for violence against Israeli civilians.

  • Chicagorat says:

    We are anxiously awaiting for Muti’s Hamas-send-back-your-bloody-rockets speech. What better pulpit than his concert in Sarajevo on Wednesday?

    On Wednesday, Muti will make clear that he loves and support the Jewish people and condemns terror attacks against them.

    • Bigfoot says:

      It must be bleak times there for Chicagorat – winter is approaching and no Muti to kick around on a daily basis. And still you’re able to capitalize on this weekend’s horrors to dump on him from 5000 miles away. Rather pathetic.

  • Christopher says:

    Another reason to love EK.

  • Barry says:

    G*d bless him.

  • anmarie says:


    Blessings to EK and his loved ones!

  • Daniel Reiss says:

    Hamas is not Hitler. The situation here is so different and so complex, so obviously different and complex, that Mr Kissin must be willfully blind. For starters, 200 Arab Israelis have been murdered so far this year and the state’s attitude has been basically “So what.” That’s for starters.

    • Joseph says:

      For starters, you and like-minded folks should read this article: https://www.wsj.com/articles/mahmoud-abbas-palestine-israel-fatah-party-c131ddd9

      Abbas explains here why Palestinians will never accept peace with Israel.

      ‘Mahmoud Abbas, the President of the Palestinian Authority, proved the point on Aug. 24 before the Fatah Revolutionary Council. His subject? The Jews. … “Even Hitler,” he added, “said he fought the Jews because they were dealing with usury and money.” Yes, even for Hitler, “this was not about Semitism and anti-Semitism.’

      That’s for starters.

      • Daniel Reiss says:

        Abbas is Israel’s useful idiot. He’s hardly the spokesman of the Palestinian people.
        I’ve heard many distinguished Palestinians express in public their acceptance of the state of Israel.
        It’s too easy to fall back on Abbas and the Mufti every time.

    • James says:

      Your comment is, I’m afraid, rather stupid. Arab Israelis have been killed by other Arab Israelis in a mafia-like crimewave, and yes the state should be doing more (this government have dismantled the quite effective systems the previous government put in place to tackle this problem) but it has nothing to do with what is happening in these terrible days, nor do Hamas remotely care about Arab Israelis – in fact the Hamas terrorists killed at least 40 Arab Israelis as they invaded Israel (probably far more). They want to kill the Jews, if possible also the Palestinian Authority officials (something they have also done before with alacrity) and establish an Islamic caliphate. For that matter they don’t care about their own people, whom they routinely torture and kill. But most important, you clearly know nothing about the bestial things that the terrorists have been doing to Israeli civilians (deliberately targeting civilians) both when alive and dead – I can’t write them here but if you did know you wouldn’t be able to sleep. Things as bad or worse than you can imagine, including the worst kinds of physical, sexual and psychological abuse, much of it filmed and put online by laughing terrorists. And you wouldn’t make silly comments like the one above.

      • Daniel Reiss says:

        It’s ingenuous to poopoo Arabs murdered by Arabs, to play helpless about Arabs attacked by settlers, to dissemble about Arab civilians killed by soldiers, to bomb the hell out of Gaza, and then to proclaim the supreme value of human life when Jews are killed.
        Ah, the lessons of history! The Versailles Treaty planted the seeds of WW2. Vindictive triumphalism boomerangs. That lesson Israel has yet to learn, to our horrendous cost.

  • Nicholas says:

    EK starts out rightly condemning scoundrels of all tribes, but fails to mention Bibi by name. The disgusting part of his speech is that there’s not a scintilla of humanity in his voice or face for the innocent Palestinians living inside that open air cage or prison apart from the terrorist organization Hamas. The genocidal leader of Israel will undoubtedly massacre them. EK should know better that when you treat a group of people like animals you might experience animalistic behavior against you.

  • V.Lind says:

    What does that comment smack of? For the love of God, surely the Jewish people more than anyone understands the horror unleashed when you dehumanise other people? “These things”? If there is any censoring on this site, surely that is the sort of remarks that needs removal?

  • Tamino says:

    Your words could easily work also for the words of a German SS officer about Jews, reacting to the violent uprising in the Warsaw Ghetto. Do humans ever learn and raise above their limited tribal constructs? Tribalism might have been a viable survival strategy 5000 years ago. But today it is a mental disease and scourge of humanity as a whole.

    Nothing excuses the terror inflicted by the Palestinians on Israeli civilians now. But it also doesn‘t come out of nowhere. Know your history.

  • Alfred Terra says:

    You are a giant among giants of the keyboard. And as a human being, you shine far above your peers. People who make negative comments about you – ignore them. There will always be antisemitism and antizionism. You are a unique. Stay the course, Genya.

  • Kyle A Wiedmeyer says:

    Sounds pretty Hitler-ish to me, no?