Crumbling Cleveland may lose another leader

Crumbling Cleveland may lose another leader


norman lebrecht

October 20, 2023

The well-endowed Jacobs School of Music at Indiana University has hired the violinist Stephen Rose as adjunct professor from next year.

Rose has been principal second violin of the Cleveland Orchestra since 2001, and a professor at the Cleveland Institute of Music where he has served for several years as head of the violin department.

Now, like others, Rose is on the point of leaving the ruptured CIM. At present he is still listed as a teacher but with the extra calls on his time that may not be long term.

Jacobs has also recruited the solo violinist James Ehnes as professor from next year.


  • Eric Wright says:

    Don’t worry! We can have the board president’s son fill that role, right? He finally has some job responsibilities now! Right…?

    Such an unbelievable waste. What was a school that gave me such amazing training is now a shell of what it was. All because some non-musicians with delusions of superiority and grandeur won’t stop screaming that they know better than we do and that we need to sit down, shut up, and worship them.

    Disgusting, the lot of them. Hogle should have been blacklisted from this business a decade ago. I’m sure he’ll fail upward, landing in a better paying job at some unsuspecting arts organization that he will proceed to then destroy from within. Meanwhile, yet another arts organization lays in ruins thanks to his “genius.”

    (And CIM still won’t be tuition free after all is said and done.)

  • Reed Queen says:

    What is your source? There is (as of now) no confirmation that Stephen is not continuing as faculty at the Cleveland Institute. For the time being, it would seem he is commuting between two schools—something that many of the country’s top notch faculty members have done for quite some time. Unless you have heard otherwise from Stephen, or sources close to him, this sort of reckless speculation only lends more confusion and detrimental gossip to the situation.

  • Jun says:

    He is still teaching at CIM. You seem to have left that part out

  • RG says:

    He is not leaving CIM

  • says:

    Who said Mr. Rose was leaving CIM?! Another case of information working its way to a blog without checking the source…

  • Joe Bein says:

    Lame clickbait. No source. Total BS. How come last week when Indiana added a faculty member you didn’t post a headline “James Ehnes to quit concertizing to teach at Indiana University!”

    Be better.

  • Bill says:

    It is not unusual for orchestra musicians to hold multiple positions as adjunct instructors at different institutions. This looks more like an additional school getting the talents of a great player and teacher on their faculty for their students.

    • Z Strings says:

      It is however, not good for the students. My teacher divided her time between NYC and Boston, and it meant she was rarely there for our performances, and was too busy to do many things we needed.

  • Tom says:

    It’s about a 6 hour drive each way. I’m curious how this actually works. Teacher travels? weekly? Zoom? student travels? Bi-weekly? Graduate assistant? During orchestra tours?

    • DDS says:

      He might share students with another faculty, he might give 2 hour lessons every time when he visit campus, he might be only giving a few masterclasses on orchestral excerpts and auditions or maybe chamber music coaching. Faculty like this don’t really need to be there every week.

    • Damon says:

      teacher travels – Google Maps says Cleveland to Indy is a 4 hr 39 min drive right now, a medium length drive for most Americans. Or the Delta Connection IND-CLE 1-stop flight is 2 hr 45 min for $111. Either are reasonable on a biweekly basis.

    • PWP says:

      My teacher in grad school taught in person in Cincinnati and Lübeck. Pretty sure he flew back and forth.

    • Bill says:

      One of the bass trombonists from the Met Orchestra flies out to Bloomington every week to teach.

  • Guest says:

    A suggestion: rather than silently correcting inaccurate posts after commenters have pointed out the mistake(s), shouldn’t the SD editor leave the original wording and add an erratum paragraph?

  • Dragonfly says:

    He is not leaving ….A friend of mine playing with the Cleveland Orchestra confirmed that…Pure speculation without even a whiff of evidence.

  • Fred Funk says:

    Bloomington has BETTER viola jokes.

  • Steve Rose Fan says:

    Laughing at this clickbait…
    Steve Rose is not leaving CIM. He is simply a world-class teacher in high demand!

  • Z Strings says:

    Ruptured? Crumbling? Because of a woke “scandal” about a great conductor. Honestly.