A Berlin Phil violist plays Yizkor for his nephew, held hostage in Gaza

A Berlin Phil violist plays Yizkor for his nephew, held hostage in Gaza


norman lebrecht

October 18, 2023

Amihai Grosz, principal viola of the Berlin Philharmonic, is sleepless with worry for his Israeli nephew, who is one of the 200 hostages snatched by Hamas and held to ransom in Gaza.

Amihai has authorised the Israel Camerata to upload his performance of Yizkor (remember) by Odon Partos, as a means of drawing attention to his nephew’s pligh. The work, for viola and orchestra, was composed in commemoration of the Holocaust in 1946.


  • Larry W says:

    How very beautiful. Pray for Peace.

  • Peter San Diego says:

    Humans just keep getting better and better at making fellow humans — indeed, all the planet’s creatures — suffer. “What a piece of work is man…” says Hamlet. And then: “Man delights not me.”

    Thank goodness for the creative and re-creative few of our species.

    • Sue Sonata Form says:

      This is the important bit, the rest is Hamlet’s depression speaking.

      What piece of work is a man, how noble in reason,
      how infinite in faculties, in form and moving,
      how express and admirable in action, how like an angel in apprehension, how like a god!

      • Peter San Diego says:

        That is the sarcastic bit through which Hamlet’s depression speaks. “Man delights not me” is Hamlet being candid… and rational.

      • Shksprth says:

        Hamlet is speaking with individuals who will betray him. He is playing a role here. If one wants to know what Hamlet is really thinking, one should listen to what he says to the one person he trusts, absolutely–Horatio.

  • Obvious Conscience says:

    Remember that Israel has been holding all Palestinians hostage on their own land for decades. Closed borders ever shrinking, constant violence from a bloated military presence, and a denial of their right to their indigenous homeland. I hope Grosz’s nephew gets home safe and doesn’t get killed like the Palestinian children who have already been killed by Israel since October 7th.

    • Barry says:

      I think you should think very carefully indeed before using the word “indigenous” in connection with Israel, and in this context.

    • Joel says:

      Remember too that Hamas has and continues to call for the destruction of the State of Israel and the killing of Jews. Difficult to deal with such an entity or people who have these goals in its charter.

    • Obvious uninformed says:

      Please, I implore you to refrain from discussing these issues if you are not well-informed. Cease perpetuating unverified information and propaganda. Why did Israel face attacks from six different countries on the first night of its establishment? Was it due to holding Palestinians hostage? Similarly, why did the Hebron massacre of 1929 result in the deaths of hundreds of Jews? Was it because of holding Palestinians hostage? A deeper understanding of history will reveal that Gaza has not been under Israeli occupation since 2005. Let’s consider the consequences of these events.

      Moreover, when studying history, it becomes clear that the 1967 occupation was a response to 20 years of continuous attacks on Israel. The undeniable fact is that Israel’s neighbors harbor animosity towards the country and are opposed to Jews living nearby. It’s crucial to delve into these matters with a comprehensive perspective. Please, take the time to read some well-researched books on the subject.

      • a violinist and conductor says:

        Yes-and as Golda Meir said-if Arabs put down their weapons there would be peace. If Israel puts down it’s weapods there will be no Israel.

    • a violinist and conductor says:

      You use your abject ignorance to justify the barbarism of beheading babies.

  • Judith Ornstein says:

    Bring them home. Am Yisrael Chai!

  • Daniel Reiss says:

    Before Berlin, he was a founding member of the Jerusalem Quartet.
    Amihai, our hearts are with you.

  • Yael Simckes says:

    Thank you. Magnificent. From your viola to Hamas’s ears.