Apple upends release schedule

Apple upends release schedule


norman lebrecht

September 18, 2023

Another sign of how Apple Classical is overturning the record business.

Edward Gardiner and the London Philharmonic Orchestra recorded a concert of Hector Berlioz’s The Damnation of Faust for release on their own label.

Enter Apple and the plan changed.

The recording will be exclusive to Apple Classical for the first three months before being released to LPO fans.

 The LPO will be working with Apple Music Classical to bring listeners new, unique and exclusive content and recordings through the partnership, we are told.


  • GUEST says:

    What is “record business”?

  • Happy-go-lucky says:

    Edward Gardiner – the UKs best conductor.

  • Paul says:

    Does anyone know whether Bis will continue to release CDs?

  • Thornhill says:


    Is it really any different than new recordings debuting on radio programs before being released on CD?

    But I have to hand it to Apple for how aggressive they are at making deals with ensembles and labels. Now only if they could update the app to support carplay…

    • Sal says:

      Yes it is very different because when members of the LPO have their music played on the radio they are paid for it via Equitable Remuneration law…. When it is streamed they are not paid a penny.

    • Pat says:

      …. If you want to support orchestral musicians listen to their music on your car radio…. They get paid for that but not streaming.

  • Stephen says:

    Gardner, not Gardiner.

  • Tony says:

    Who is Edward ‘Gardiner’ (sic)?

  • Roger says:

    I hope that the new marketing strategies will help the sales of classical music recordings. The recordings will not sell themselves anymore.