Ruth Leon recommends Wigmore Hall’s archive

Ruth Leon recommends Wigmore Hall’s archive

Ruth Leon recommends

norman lebrecht

September 09, 2023

Stephen Hough – Bach and Schumann 
​This is the 5th week of Wigmore Hall’s free access to their archive and includes a number of special concerts. Here is one of them:

First, this was a significant concert in the history of Wigmore Hall.  Sir Stephen Hough opened the special series of lockdown concerts in June 2020 with Busoni’s piano arrangement of Bach’s D minor Chaconne for violin, evoking Busoni’s own gala performance at the opening of the Wigmore Hall almost 119 years ago to the day.

Here too is Robert Schumann’s Fantasie in C Op.17.

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  • Music in the 21st century says:

    Another rebuttal to a ‘Kosky’ like argument here that streaming is bad. There are many factors (Covid being the most dramatic) that lead to music lovers not being able to attend live performances.

  • Margaret Koscielny says:

    When I was 11 years old, I taught myself the Bach, and sang along the Ave Maria (which I had learned to play on the violin).
    This lovely video recalled that childhood “accomplishment” and is a reminder that children should never be underestimated as to their intelligence, ability to learn things, and, most of all, their spirituality.

  • Richard Zencker says:

    Some real gems in that archive, including both Schubert trios with Elisabeth Leonskaja, Liza Ferschtman and István Várdai.