Ruth Leon recommends… National Gallery films

Ruth Leon recommends… National Gallery films

Ruth Leon recommends

norman lebrecht

August 29, 2023

National Gallery films

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You need to become a member to watch the revelatory short films from London’s National Gallery but it’s worth it. £65 buys you a year of both in-person and online membership and gives you access to all its treasures including their exclusive on-demand films.

The Gallery has just started a new series which they’re releasing on a monthly basis, a deep dive into a single work by the Gallery’s curators who are all knowledgeable, personable and refreshingly keen to share their expertise.

This newest offering is Artemisia Gentileschi’s  Self Portrait as Saint Catherine of Alexandria: A Defiant Reflection of the Artist, a 10-minute show-and-tell from artist historian and educator Carlo Corsato  as he unveils the profound significance behind Artemisia’s masterpiece, looking at the layers of symbolism and personal history embedded within the painting, going deeper into the life and artistry of one of the most remarkable female artists of the Renaissance.

Artemisia Gentileschi’s personal history serves as a backdrop to the exploration of her self-portrait. It showcases how Artemisia found agency and success in her career, overcoming societal expectations and gaining recognition as a professional artist.

​This is an excellent introduction to an important artist and to the film series itself.

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