Netrebko posts triumph in BA

Netrebko posts triumph in BA


norman lebrecht

August 14, 2023

She’s having a blast at the Colon.


  • A.L. says:

    For those not in the know, Argentina has a sizable influx of Russian investments in sectors of the economy (what’s left of it). For example, in the hospitality sector. Doesn’t take leaps of imagination to hear the crickets of massive corruption. For corruption breeds corruption.

  • oski says:

    I mean we are here to discuss music not discrimination against people or politics.My country is a land of inmigrants and everybody
    is welcomed,specially if you are a superb musician

    • Marc says:

      They have a “superb” PR machine behind them but great musicians they are not unless you call their screaming music.

    • Tiredofitall says:

      Immigrants are one thing, supporters of a murderous despot are quite another. “Art” does not absolve a person from conscience. Art does not exist in a vacuum.

  • Brettermeier says:

    “For corruption breeds corruption.”

    Corruption and ruzzians are ruzzia’s main exports.

  • M.Arnold says:

    Yes, Argentina is a land of immigrants where “everybody is welcome.” That’s why after WW2, Adolf Eichmann, Dr.Mengele, Joseph Schwammberger, Erich Priebke, Gerhard Bohne and other nazi criminals were welcome.

    • Tiredofitall says:


    • A.L. says:

      And that’s why, too, so many immigrants from neighboring South American countries or why so many of their own indigenous people live under conditions of abject destitution, in shantytowns they call “villas”. These villas surround Buenos Aires and represent a stark contrast to the glitz not far from them. Let’s just say that dark and dirty Russian money does not come close to these zones.

    • Pianofortissimo says:

      Don’t be unfair. Dr Mengele found a new home in Brazil, not in Argentina…

      • M.Arnold says:

        Mengele entered South America via Argentina where he lived near Buenos Aires for about 10 yrs. before going to Paraguay and then finally Brazil. His original visa was given him by Argentina.

        • Yuri K says:

          Yes, but he entered Argentina under false name of Helmut Gregor. And, just for fairness, the Ukrainian SS-men like Pavlo Shandruk, entered Canada under their real names. Isn’t it amazing that Dmitro Dontsov, the man who called Adolf Hitler “The 2nd Messiah” and worshiped war as a mechanism of Darvinian selection of human beings (“only philistines and political eunuchs can despise war”), became a full professor at the University at Montreal?

          • M.Arnold says:

            Though using a false name, the Argentinian govt. knew who he was long before he escaped to Paraguay after witnessing what happened to fellow “Argentinian” Ricardo Klement , aka Adolf Eichmann. Peron’s fascist Argentina welcomed all nazis and didn’t question their nazi loving vatican sponsored false name visas.

  • Julien says:

    Come on guys. Netrebko has recently sung in Italy (Milan, Verone), France (Orange), Germany (Baden Baden)…
    She will sing next year in Austria (Vienna and Salzburg), Switzerland (Luzerne), in Prague, Malta and again in Germany (Berlin and Wiesbaden), Italy (Naples, Milan, Vérone), France (Paris).

    • Marc says:

      The European taste is astonishing! A public that applauds directorial trash available on many stages across Europe.

  • Paul says:

    Great musicians are always welcome, independently of the country they are from. And for those who are having trouble sleep , due to the war in Ukraine, imagine that Ukraine is a middle eastern country and that Russia is the USA. Then you can sleep like a baby.

    • Yuri K says:

      Putin’s sin is that he violated the US monopoly on violence in our world. Netrebko’s sin is that her singing somehow violates the US monopoly on deciding what’s right and wrong. This really pisses some people off. They can’t be wrong!

  • Hilly says:

    Do you not understand that demanding of an artist that he or she as a prerequisite of performing must denounce the foreign policy of their native country is just plain wrong! Especially if the determination of what is “right or wrong” is the sole perogative of Peter Gelb.

  • anonymous says:

    Dear Editor:

    If you hold down the “o” key on your keyboard, it gives options for non-English formats. Hence, you can write “has a blast at Colón,” which is very different than “has a blast at colon.”

  • Rio Fer says:

    Artists like Netrebko want to have it both ways they get involved in politics when it suits them and become victims when things don’t go their wey or their pockets take a blow. Bottom line if you’re a fantastic musician/singer stick to that and go about your business. Whatever her motives are her she unnecessarily dragged her and tainted her name forever no matter how many glorious night she has at La Scala, Vienna etc.