Dogshit director is back at work

Dogshit director is back at work


norman lebrecht

August 24, 2023

The choreographer and director Marco Goecke has returned to work at the Hanover State Opera, six months after he was suspended for smearing dog excrement on the face of a newsoaoer critic.

Goecke has called the incident ‘tragic’ but has refrained from making a personal apology.

Report here.


  • CGDA says:

    So no jail for him? This is a serious criminal act!

  • Gustavo says:

    Labor legislation is too weak here.

    The damage to the image of the opera house is immense and psychopaths should actually be banned from the house for life.

    But such idiots always get another chance…

    Rise, Sir John Riot!

  • Officer Krupke says:

    Speaking of dogshit, David Daniels posting about returning to the stage on Facebook…

  • Euphonium Al says:

    How hilarious, if distressingly so, that the term “dogshit director” is a literalism in this instance. Pretty remarkable this conductor was restored to his post without even being required to apologize to his victim. The guy is lucky not to be in deeper shit with the law, if you’ll forgive the pun.

    • Angela says:

      He is not a conductor but a choreographer. He apologized to the victim in a newspaper interview. There is a civil lawsuit against him pending. Get your information before you post fake news.

  • Alviano says:

    I still find the whole story funny.

  • Ben G. says:

    Smearing poo on someone’s face?

    Why not simply slap and punch him in that sensitive area like other conductors who have “Sir” in their name?

  • Bone says:

    When the headlines write themselves…

  • AnnaT says:

    “Tragic?” A remarkably weaselly word to use for something you yourself have deliberately done. The cynicism is breathtaking.