Death of a leading Italian baritone

Death of a leading Italian baritone


norman lebrecht

August 18, 2023

Italian media are mourning the death of Alberto Rinaldi, an international baritone who owned the role of Ford in Falstaff in the 1980s. He was also an outstanding Figaro.

Alberto was 84.


  • Ernest says:

    He is a buffo in the tradition of Montarsolo, Capecchi, Dara and Corbelli. Very funny Bartolo and his patter singing is perfect. RIP Maestro!

  • Anthony Sayer says:

    Now this is very sad. Alberto was a wonderful man and colleague and very amusing to boot. He can’t have been that old, surely?

    • Dulcamara says:

      Indeed. Rinaldi was a fine Belcore at Covent Garden in the early ’80s and later sang Enrico in Lucia there.