BBC conductor is taking child break

BBC conductor is taking child break


norman lebrecht

August 22, 2023

Dalia Stasevska, principal guest conductor of the BBC Symphony, has broken news of her pregnancy.

The baby will be, on its father’s side, a great-great grandchild of Jean Sibelius.

Stasevska, 38, Kyiv born, is active in Ulkraine relief efforts.


  • Elizabeth says:

    No surprise there, it was pretty obvious on the opening night of the Proms. She was superb

  • Baroness Millhaven says:

    Hardly a surprising when she was visibly pregnant when conducting at the First Night of The Proms!

  • Chris says:

    Congrats! She is a wonderful person and musician.

  • Gustavo says:

    Sibelius fathered six daughters…so any gender-linked genius-gene was not passed on.

  • Tim says:

    That dude does look a bit like Sibelius. Good for them.

  • violaforever says:

    One wouldn’t want to say anything critical, and one wishes the couple all possible happiness. On the professional side, it is slightly odd that Dalia Stasevska conducts and programs her husband’s music in several places. He is undoubtedly a talented rock musician, but when it comes to his credentials as a composer, Gramophone’s reviewer says it all: “Alas, below the surface slickness, the music strikes me as aimless, self-indulgent and devoid of any striking personality.” Many qualified composers who have learned their trade for years or decades don’t get to enjoy any orchestral performances.