A ‘Soviet-Israeli’ conductor in Frankfurt

A ‘Soviet-Israeli’ conductor in Frankfurt


norman lebrecht

August 05, 2023

The FAZ has an interesting profile of Daniel Stratievsky, 37, music director of the Frankfurt Chamber Opera.

He has some acute observations on conducting in small towns in Germany and he believes that Russia ‘remains a criminal state’.

Read here.


  • william osborne says:

    Regarding German small towns, I was hoping for a bit more than the obvious observation that there isn’t as much happening as in big cities. He could have spoken about the German belief that smaller cities should have their own autonomous cultural lives even if a large city is nearby. That’s why Germany has 83 opera houses and close to 130 orchestras, all with full time orchestra and choral musicians. He studied in Munich. An example is Augsburg which has its own opera house even though Munich is 45 minutes away and has 7 full time orchestras and two full time opera houses.

    Or he might have spoken about the political climate in Germany where the quasi-Nazi party AfD is polling 19% nationwide and up to 34% in regions of East Germany–a situation especially pronounced in smaller metros. OTH, given his circumstances, I could understand remaining silent.