Melbourne quartet wins city’s international competition

Melbourne quartet wins city’s international competition


norman lebrecht

July 10, 2023

The Affinity Quartet, formed in Melbourne, has been awarded the Monash University Grand Prize ($30,000), the Robert Salzer Foundation String Quartet 1st Prize ($30,000) and the Audience Prize for String Quartet ($8,000) at the Melbourne International String Quartet Competition.

The jury, which used to represent world-leading quartets, has become increasingly insular and hemispheric. This year’s judges were: Kirsten Dawes, Lukas Hagen, Louise Hopkins, Hsin-Yun Huang, Amandine Savary, Timo-Veikko Valve and Wilma Smith (Musica Viva Australia’s Artistic Director of Competitions).

The winning quartet consists of Josephine Chung and Nicholas Waters, violins; Ruby Shirres, viola; Mee Na Lojewski, cello.


  • Greenjag says:

    Yes, I was expecting a nasty carping comment from NL. It was a put up job was it from a hometown jury. Bah. Stuff and nonsense. They clearly deserved to win.