Italian wins lacklustre Mahler competition

Italian wins lacklustre Mahler competition


norman lebrecht

July 14, 2023

The Italian Giuseppe Mengoli was last night proclaimed winner of the Mahler conducting competition at Bamberg. He receives 30,000 Euros and the brief attention of the world’s agents.

The triennial competition earned its allure with Gustavo Dudamel’s victory in 2004. Further winners include Lahav Shani (2013) and Kahchun Wong (2016). The present round was, however, not among the more impressive.

Mengoli, 29, was until recently concertmaster of the Gustav Mahler Youth Orchestra.


  • Zarathusa says:

    Like the old saying goes: “In the land of the blind, the one-eyed is king.”

  • Euphonium Al says:

    I know nothing about this young man, but there’s no shame in beating out the compeitition even if you aren’t the next Bruno Walter. No shame in adding 30,000 Euro to one’s bank account either.

  • Jonathon says:

    Were you in attendance, or are basing your opinion on hearsay?

  • Nicholas Durrant says:

    Bravo Giuseppe. You have been the assistant conductor to Lorenzo Viotti with my orchestra NedPho for the last two years. It was a privilege to witness you grow as a conductor and musician. I wish you nothing but success, happyness and good health for the future.

  • William says:

    You call it “lacklustre,” and say it was “not among the more impressive”… And then to support your claim, you link to another article on your site not about the quality of the conductors, but rather one that that simply points out that the three finalists were… male. Huh?

  • Skalkie says:

    I think one of the losers wrote this