Exclusive: LA Phil in executive turmoil

Exclusive: LA Phil in executive turmoil


norman lebrecht

July 28, 2023

We’re hearing that the LA Phil’s interim chief executive Daniel Song has awarded six-figure pay rise to four or five executives to stop them following his predecessor Chad Smith to Boston.

Each of these lucky execs has been updraded with a ‘chief’ title – Chief Seatwarming Officer, Chief Hollywood Bowl Cleaner and the like.

Neither the players nor less staff have been apprised of these improvements. Few were sad to see the departure Smith, whose management style verged from abrasive to caustic, but his former top team never expected such a payday.

We reached out to the LA Phil for an official response and got this:

Dear Norman,

The information you have listed below is inaccurate.

We have no news to announce at this time. When we do, we will be sure to reach out.

Note that weasel word ‘inaccurate’. It means that a piece of information is substantially true, except for an insignificant detail. To give a current example: The BBC has admitted that its report of Coutts Bank closing down Nigel Farage’s account for political reasons was ‘inaccurate’. The established truth? Coutts closed the account because it didn’t like Farage.

Expect further unhappiness at Walt Disney Hall.


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