English countryhouse opera links up with Lebanese refugee camp

English countryhouse opera links up with Lebanese refugee camp


norman lebrecht

July 24, 2023

The Garsington opera festival, all black tie and Pimms, is putting on an opera about the lives of children in the Shatila refugee camp, scene of a notorious massacre and a subsequent influx of Syrian fugitives.

The initiator is Karen Gillingham, Garsington’s creative director for learning and participation. The composer is Richard Taylor.

The Times has a full report here.


  • Maria says:

    What a farce! And they wonder why the younger generation of our country won’t touch opera with a barge pole as it’s for the toffs in penguin suits and far too expensive.

  • Zarathusa says:

    Thank you Karen and Richard! Opera should deal with contemporary issues (which are based on classic themes anyway!). These types of serious and current operatic efforts could pave the way for future audiences.