A Kyiv academy violinist falls in battle

A Kyiv academy violinist falls in battle


norman lebrecht

July 23, 2023

The R M Glier Kyiv Music Academy is shocked by the death in battle of violinist David Yakushin, who graduated in July 2022.

David was engaged to be married.


  • Zarathusa says:

    Another musician makes the supreme sacrifice! Another violinist for the heavenly orchestra! RIP, Dave!

  • anon says:

    I bet he was a conscript. Ukraine’s sexist conscription policy is horrific. No one should be forced to fight, even if their country faces an invasion, and they certainly shouldn’t be forced to fight on the basis of gender.

  • Conscience says:

    Nobody wants to say it, but this is one of (surely many) tragic outcomes of Zelensky’s compulsory service/kidnapping nearly all the men of Ukraine. There seems to be an “all or nothing” mob mentality. Either you worship Zelensky or you are considered a member of Wagner. Parading this young violinist’s death to fuel hatred toward Russia is more than shameful. Norman has not done this, but others will.

    Not a single member of the warhawk peanut crowd here is volunteering (age is no excuse as there are numerous non-combat roles). Why? Because the majority of serious classical musicians are devoting themselves to their art. I know nothing about Mr. Yakushin, but he likely died for a cause that he did not choose.

    The current Ukrainian counteroffensive is being acknowledged as a failure by everyone, including Zelensky. Any music lover who is categorically opposed to a diplomatic ending of this conflict should ask themselves how many young dead Ukrainian musicians they would feel okay with for a decisive win by Ukraine.

    • Dontbeconfused says:

      You are pointing your finger at the wrong person my friend. The truth is – Russia killed this talented young man.

      • Conscience says:

        He was killed fighting against Russia, but Russia was not the one who physically forced him to give up a lifetime of musical training, dreams, and his wife to go into the meatgrinder. He would not have died if Russia were not fighting Ukraine. He also would not have died if male musicians were not being forced against their will to enter armed combat.