Would you Adam and Eve it? A voice recital that makes sense

Would you Adam and Eve it? A voice recital that makes sense

Album Of The Week

norman lebrecht

June 09, 2023

From the Lebrecht Album of the Week:

Franz Schubert knew what he was doing when he wrote songs in cycles. It stopped singers from taking them pick-and-mix for recitals that showcased their own gifts rather than the composer’s. The art of creating a voice and piano recital has receded in the present century with very few – Matthias Goerne and Alice Coote spring to mind among recent, coherent exceptions – willing and able to pitch a programme in which the individual songs relate to one another and to a larger idea.

Welcome, then, this new release…

More here.

En francais ici.

In The Critic here.


  • Larry L. Lash says:

    There will likely be dozens of names added to the list, but I have to add that of Simon Keenlyside.