Signs that Covid is back again

Signs that Covid is back again


norman lebrecht

June 12, 2023

A UK orchestra returned from tour last week with 4 or 5 musicians unable to play their London date due to an upsurge of Covid.

Among today’s cancellations, Marina Rebeka (pic) has withdrawn from tomorrow evening’s performance of Il trovatore at Covent Garden after testing positive.

Jamie Barton was unwell during her time in London with a bout of Covid and has cancelled her Temple Music Recital.

Other cancellations – A Trifonov recital in London,Nadine Sierra at Carnegie Hall – are attributed to unspecified illness.

Take care.


  • Gus says:

    Another cancellation -by Eric Lu in Cardiff, not due to COVID.

  • Mr. Ron says:

    Governments won’t talk about it. They need money.

    • Dave says:

      The UK Covid inquiry started today; I would bet my bottom penny on it finding that the government’s (obvious) mishandling of the thing had its “but the economy” fixation at its heart… as well as its focus on lining the pockets of its cronies.

      On the theme of the article, on which I think we’re in agreement: Covid has never gone away.

  • Santipab says:

    The third time Trifonov has cancelled a London concert this year (since March in fact), allbeit for a different reason this time. He’s starting to look over-stretched.

  • Chispito says:

    What a headline! Yes…and flu will be back in winter, and people will drown in the ocean this summer…

  • Imbrod says:

    Nadine Sierra has posted a 12 minute video to Instagram explaining that she is taking time off to recover from vocal and general exhaustion.

  • Anthony Sayer says:

    Take care? What a joke. Covid will always be around, weaker and weaker by the year. Nothing for anyone to worry about.

    Just because governments lied by saying it was really dangerous doesn’t make it really dangerous. Grow up, people.

    • Paul Joschak says:

      Absolutely! With an IFR still of 0.03% and average mortality age of 83 – one year above the overall average mortality age, Convid is looking more and more like a scamdemic.

  • poyu says:

    Il Trovatore already had two major withdrawal due to Covid last week! Maybe some transmission happened during rehearsal and/or performance earlier.

  • Doc Martin says:

    Covid-19 converted to Omicron in a HIV patient in Jo’burg in late 2021, by December 2021. It differs from the old Wuhan & Delta variants in that it targets the upper respiratory tract not the lungs. I managed somehow to avoid Cov-19 100% from March 2020 onwards, until about Nov 2021, when I acquired a blocked left nostril and an odd “teddy bear” whistle in my gullet, both have now gone. My own GP told me other patients also presented similarly!