Boston Symphony admits youngest player

Boston Symphony admits youngest player


norman lebrecht

June 27, 2023

The orchestra has a new contrabassoonist.

Samuel Watson, from Texas, is just 20 years old. He succeeds Gregg Henegar who retired last year.

Watson has been playing for the past year in the Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra.

Watson is Boston’s youngest present player, but not the youngest ever. That was Roger Voisin, who joined the trumpet section in 1935 at the age of 17.


  • Larry says:

    That should be “Roger” Voisin, not Robert.

  • Zarathusa says:

    And congratulations to Roger who is still playing in Boston at 105 years young! Who says: ” Music is immortal; musicians aren’t”?

  • Brian Bell says:

    And in spite of what Wikipedia and the BSO press release says, Roger was actually 16 in May 1935 when he began his term as Assistant Principal of the BSO and Principal of the Boston Pops. He was born 105 years ago yesterday, June 26, 1918.

    • Another county heard from says:

      Roger’s father, Rene,also a trumpet player, was playing in the BSO at the time Roger was hired.

    • Zarathusa says:

      And he’s still blowing strong!!! BTW…Happy B’Day, Roger…and give my regards to your Dad!!!

  • Another bassoonist says:

    Congratulations! Both of these players also studied at the Cleveland Institute of Music, Watson with Barrick Stees and Hennegar with George Goslee. Not a bad record!

  • bgn says:

    How appropriate that the youngest person should play the largest instrument.

    • Another county heard from says:

      You don’t see people on the subway with a contra bassoon. They are usually bought and left at the hall. The guys that set up the orchestra move them around when they travel. It is probably the heaviest wind instrument, even heavier than the tuba.

      • Susan Bradley says:

        Definitely not heavier than a tuba, either in or out of case. A Mollenhauer contrabassoon weighs, according to a post I found, 6.3kg. That, I presume, is without case. My PT 6 C tuba, standard orchestral size, weighs 7.4kg, according to my luggage scales, also without case.

    • Zarathusa says:

      I’m sure we all are familiar with young musicians with large instruments…my brother played the tuba when he was five!

  • Ryan says:

    You couldn’t find a better photo of Sam?

  • Elise says:

    another rich kid

  • Francesca says:

    As a bassoonist who studied with Sherman Walt, and chamber coaching with Matt Ruggiero and Dick Plaster, I know they would be happy to welcome you to the section! Congratulations and many happy years ahead!

  • Old Man in the Midwest says:

    You get the best job in the world at the age of 20. Talent yes. Hard work yes. A bit of luck yes. Nicely done young man.

    Congrats but what next?

    Climb Everest, learn to skydive, get your med degree or become a pilot on the side?

    Just don’t quit the music business to become a conductor.

  • Fanny says:

    Weren’t violinists Julianne Lee and Takumi Taguci also 20 when they joined BSO straight from Curtis?