New York Phil mourns English horn

New York Phil mourns English horn


norman lebrecht

May 02, 2023

Tom Stacy, English horn player of the New York Philharmonic for 38 years, died on April 30 aged 84.

The NY Times once dubbed him ‘the Heifetz of the English horn’.

Visitation will be on Thursday, May 4th 3-6pm at R.J. O’Shea Funeral Home – 94 E. Montauk Hwy, Hampton Bays NY 11946


  • Larry W says:

    Great player with a big and lovely sound. When he left the Minnesota Orchestra for the Philharmonic in 1972, people asked what two players were going to replace him. It then took New York nine years.

  • Robert Levin says:

    I had the privilege of managing Tom’s solo career in the early eighties. He was a magnificent English horn player and a wonderful human being.
    May his memory be a blessing.

  • Axl says:

    RIP Mr. Heifetz of the English horn! Thanks for your legacy and your chair in NY Phil is finally in good hands!

  • David J. Hyslop says:

    Tom was a great player and fine person. I first met him here in Minnesota in 1966. Skrowaczewski wrote a concerto for him , which was recorded with the Minnesota Orchestra . We kept the friendship up when he moved to the New York Philharmonic.

  • Oboist says:

    Interesting that there’s no mention of TS’s [redacted: defamation].

    • Another oboist says:

      What “predation on underage boys” are you talking about? I found nothing of the sort online. Please drop sources here.

    • Minnesota says:

      “Well documented” where? Your assertion is a mystery to Google. Your statement reads like trolling, frankly. So please put up or shut up.

    • norman lebrecht says:

      You are defaming the dead. Unless you have evidence, do not return to this site.

      • Another oboist says:

        I was not the one defaming. I had no clue. I was asking “Oboist” for evidence. Sounds like he/she was trolling.

      • An adult in the room says:

        Norm, most of the stuff you post is making rude and insulting comments about living people, so maybe dismount your high horse big guy.

  • Couperin says:

    Gut reaction was “I thought this guy was a perv.”.. but yeah, I don’t have a source. Just from living in NYC and having my ear to the grapevine. “Oboist” ain’t wrong.

    • freddynyc says:

      He does have that look about him…..

    • Minnesota says:

      The “grapevine” is not necessarily reliable, although its devotees treat it as gospel.

      There have been many, cases both in the recent and distant past of large-scale and smaller-scale lies that led to attempts to banish someone or group of people. Of course there are many cases of actual child sexual abuse, but there also are quite a few cases on the record of lives ruined by false accusations of that crime that rapidly spread by the “grapevine.” These have been written about in the NY Times and elsewhere.

      I have no idea about Stacey one way of the other other than that he was a great artist, was highly regarded by others in the musical profession, and he appeared to have a wife and children who loved him. What makes me very suspicious about your and “Oboist’s” claim is that you waited until after Stacey was long retired and now dead, and then you make an anonymous charge of an awful crime—based on the “grapevine.” This is the definition of a truly cheap shot.

    • I am a Communist McCarthyist says:

      I wonder how your comment passed Lebrecht’s moderation. LOL

  • Joanna French says:

    The picture accompanying this piece is of an oboist/cor anglais player. I’m confused.

  • Yet Another Oboist says:

    I experienced his advances firsthand, but at the very least, I can say he immediately took “no” for an answer and didn’t push. My teachers were not at all surprised when I told them what happened; his predilection for attractive young men is/was very well known in oboe circles. (I was not underage, so I cannot comment on that particular accusation.)

    Other than that singular incident, I found him a very kind and considerate teacher and it was a pleasure working with him.

  • Andrew Clark says:

    How brave you must be to use a fake name in the attempt to cancel a human being that life/nature just cancelled. At least have the courage to reveal yourself

  • Oboe says:

    Yes, he was an exceptional player. He also preyed on boys at festivals and men at festivals and conservatories where he taught. It’s not defamation if it’s true.

  • Clarinetist says:

    I was personally one of those young men. I was rattled as I never saw it coming. And I am a gay man out at the time. The old ‘my hotel has a jacuzzi’ while I was using the restroom. Great player though.