Has Eurovision been hijacked by anti-Brexiteers?

Has Eurovision been hijacked by anti-Brexiteers?


norman lebrecht

May 12, 2023

Petroc Trelawny, a BBC presenter on classical Radio 3, informs the world that his studio has been festooneed today with 26 flags of EU nations. Who did that?

The Daily Express is warning that ‘Remainers plan to ‘hijack’ Eurovision final and turn it into ‘anti-Brexit propaganda coup”.

Liverpool campaigners have coined the slogan you can see in this popular placard.


  • Dave says:

    No, Petroc did not say “26 flags of EU nations”. Australia, Israel, Switzerland and Albania are not in the EU for a start; of course wave an Albanian flag at the UK’s hard-of-thinking and their knee-jerk response is that “stop the boats” slogan.

    The usual shrill rubbish from the Daily Excuse is a nailed-on certainty too.

  • Serge says:

    Australia, Israel and Switzerland are not in the EU, are they?

  • Emil says:

    Well, given the extent to which pro-Brexit sentiments have morphed into anti-Europe screeds (cf. the calls to exit the ECHR, which is not related to the EU), it is not surprising that Brexiteers would be offended by anything that reminds them of Europe and Europeanness. Might it help to remind them the BBC was a founding member of the EBU…

  • Dragonetti says:

    The clue is in the name.
    Err… EUROvision.
    It might be a strange carnival compared with the original but the principle is the same.
    Good old Daily Excess. At least this might kill off a few more gammons from even higher blood pressure.
    Personally I can’t stand the whole nonsense it represents now but live and let live. There are more important things happening in the world to get worked up about.

  • Tamino says:

    Is “Anti-Brexiteer” a thing?
    Aren’t they called “Remainers”?

    And is “disunited” a word?
    Isn’t it “divided”?

    • Norabide Guziak says:

      Don’t bother looking for basic intelligence in the Remoan group. Anyone who swears unquestioning fealty to a thirty-year-old, malfunctioning, wasteful, antidemocratic political organisation needs their head examining.

      • Emil says:

        The Eurovision is none of these things – it’s literally not the EU, it is fifty-five years old, and the EBU was founded by the BBC. Methinks you’re barking up not only the wrong tree, you’re in the wrong forest…

  • Tamino says:

    So… have the mostly older delusional chaps who voted in their majority for Brexit reaped any benefits from it by now? Or is it a self inflicted injury, albeit “just a flesh wound”, let’s keep fighting for it?

  • Lilas Pastia says:

    In addition to Albania, Australia, Israel and Switzerland, the Norwegian flag is also shown, and Norway of course is also not in the EU, having voted no in two referendums.

  • Des says:

    Brexit is akin to your next door neighbour shooting himself in both feet and then burning his house down. All the things they said would happen did the very opposite. Cost of food increased, supply chains became shattered, the NHS did not get £350m ( in an case that is not enough), Brexit costs UK £100bn/year, on top of the Liz Truss £300bn black hole and loss of EU trade. It has not benefited anyone apart from folk who keep their wealth is havens. It was a smokescreen to avoid the EU banking regulations in 2016. The electorate in UK were 100% conned.