Valery Gergiev: The Lebrecht Interview before the fall

Valery Gergiev: The Lebrecht Interview before the fall

Daily Comfort Zone

norman lebrecht

April 06, 2023

This was my 2012 interview with Gergiev, based on a mutual engagement that went back 20 years.

I asked the Putin question.

Valery lied.

That was the end of our engagement.

Listen here.


  • Affreux Jojo says:

    “That’s what she said…”

    The Office

  • St John says:

    The more interesting and revealing problem is the vastly inflated importance placed on the political views of a conductor. If you think they are of any significance to the world and its turnings you have profoundly misunderstood something about the world or the role of conductors.

    • Novagerio says:

      Saint John: “If you think they are of any significance to the world and its turnings you have profoundly misunderstood something about the world or the role of conductors”.
      I’m afraid it’s you who might have misunderstood the importance of the role of certain conductors.
      Gergiev – I assume you might not know, is artistically responsible for both Marinsky Theaters in St.Petersburg, meaning around 4.000 people or more. If he turns his back to his president, they’ll all end up in the street.
      It’s more difficult mantaining a moral code in Russia than you might think.
      No offence Mister Evangelist!

  • Elizabeth Owen says:

    Fascinating thankyou Norman.

  • Wim says:

    Non topic, nobody has interest in what he says or thinks. Not now, not 20 years ago. He is great conductor, to me one of the best, but he choose what is best for him, obvious he made the wrong choice. He should be forgotton, and should get no further attention anymore. So best is to delete this item. Thank you.

  • Fed up says:

    Good for you, you have such moral courage. Please go back to salivating over Yuja Wang’s outfits or publishing unsourced garbage as news. Thanks.

  • Unvaccinated says:

    Or his he another Putin victim ?

  • Mick the Knife says:

    Gergiev is too big to fail. He’ll be back because the world of orchestral music needs him.

  • Glissando says:

    Norman, I think there are some of these Lebrecht interviews that are no longer available in the bbc podcast site. Particularly I am interested in the one with Mariss jansons. How could we access those? Thank