Scenes from Danish orchestra’s dog audition

Scenes from Danish orchestra’s dog audition


norman lebrecht

April 16, 2023

You can watch Adam Fischer’s Copenhagen canines here.

He seems to be taking this chorus line very seriously.

Paws for thought.


  • Nosema says:

    Should use the one who barked at Sleepy Joe in Dublin.

  • David K. Nelson says:

    As long as the dogs are there, why not program Piston’s The Incredible Flutist which calls for barking dogs, usually voiced by orchestra musicians with varying degrees of enthusiasm and realism? Erich Leinsdorf wrote that when he programmed the Piston in post-War Vienna he was informed that he had desecrated the Musikvereinsaal with such music. He also wrote that he long regretted not retorting that a hall which had Hitler as guest of honor in the official box could not be further desecrated.

    And perhaps this is yet another of the Fritz Reiner legends but supposedly some mischief maker substituted a recording of a barking dog for the required recording of singing birds for a Reiner performance of the Pines of Rome.

  • Anthony Sayer says:

    Couldn’t find the link to the canines. Shame.