Ratmansky mourns Odessa dancer, killed by Russian forces

Ratmansky mourns Odessa dancer, killed by Russian forces


norman lebrecht

April 21, 2023

The international choreographer Alexei Ratmansky has tweeted news of the death of Rostyslav Yanchyshen, the latest casualty of the Russian aggression in Ukraine. Yanchyshen was 31.

He died yesterday on an unnamed battlefield.


  • Pushkin says:

    Oh Russia, what are you doing?

  • SAD says:

    Young talented Ukrainians loose their life because of Russian aggression. It’s impossible not to blame those artists and musicians who support it directly or indirectly, they are part of the aggression.

    • No comment says:

      Only concerned about the “talented” ones? Don’t forget that Zelensky could have stopped the war before it started, as early as 2019, and that’s what the people of Ukraine thought they voted for.

    • Sue Sonata Form says:

      Try and remember that Putin is an unelected tyrant of the historical Russian variety and that what his people want and need has nothing to do with him.

      It’s what the Third Reich did; close down your own people first, stand on their necks and then do what you like.

      • Alex says:

        Sue Sonata Form, this is not so. Most Russians not only believe the lies spread by Putin and Russian media, but also proactively welcome violence, destruction, and war crimes occurring on Ukrainian soil. Russia, not just Putin, has become a fascist state. As in 1940’s collective responsibility applies to the country.