Oregon laments Bach Festival founder

Oregon laments Bach Festival founder


norman lebrecht

April 09, 2023

Message received:

Oregon Bach Festival (OBF) is deeply saddened to announce the passing of Dr. H. Royce Saltzman. The OBF co-founder, long-time executive director, and board member died on Monday, April 3rd surrounded by his family. He was 94 years old.


  • tramonto says:

    Have you heard anything about its other co-founder Helmuth Rilling? It’s been a while since I last saw anything about him and about 9 years since I last saw him live.

    • Nemorino's Uncle says:

      Helmuth pretty much retired when he “passed the baton” on at the International Bachakademie with a final concert back in May 2013 as a celebration for his 80th birthday. He’ll celebrate his 90th birthday in a couple of weeks.
      What he and Royce created back some 56 years ago with OBF, and the legacy and influence on literally thousands of musicians should never be underestimated. Royce’s daughter Kathy Romey and Helmuth’s daughters Sara and Rahel continue to perform, influence and educate at a world class level. Three truly wonderful ladies.