Norway expels soprano for being half-Russian

Norway expels soprano for being half-Russian


norman lebrecht

April 19, 2023

We’re hearing that the Queen Sonja Singing Competition in Norway has eliminated the soprano Anastasiya Taratorkina on discovering that she holds Russian citizenship as well as the German passport on which she registered.

Taratorkina presently lives and works in Wiesbaden.

The Norwegians made it clear in January that they would not admit Russian contestants.

Neither the competition nor the contestant has confirmed the expulsion.


  • Toktokkie says:

    Oi this is so very wrong. The basic principal not to enter Russians into the competition, is so extremely wrong. Now every Russian citizen is punished for Putin’s actions. And how is she supposed to prevent him from that?

    During apartheid in the 1970-80’s, the boycotts against South Africa affected the poorest more than the white middle class. I know. I live in SA.

    Russian musicians have a lot to offer the world. Why punish them for the military regime’s policies?

    So if the cat stole the bacon from my plate, I kick the dog?

    This is unfair and so wrong.

    • Zee says:

      But the boycott in SA eventually helped change a bad system. Putin is president because he still has a lot of support. Artists and celebrities have a lot of influence.

      • Malcolm James says:

        I can’t recall that any South Africans were prevented from competing or plying their trade or profession as individuals, and neither were they quizzed on their attitude towards apartheid. The boycott related solely to South Africa participating as a nation.

        Similarly, Israelis and Israeli teams and performing groups are welcomed in the West (officially, at least, and demonstrations notwithstanding), and they are not asked about their stance on the Palestinians.

        Why the difference here?

    • Ann says:

      I agree, totally!

    • Maxud says:

      The majority of russians are supporting, or, at least, are indiferent to russias crimes. As long as there was no war, all of them – artists, sportlers, businessmen- were profiting from Putins regime and had no interest or intention (also cause of indifference) to change smth. Now they are “suffering” from his regime? So be it. It’s a question of responsibility. All those russians who live in the west, or escaped during the last year neither condemn, nor participate in any anti-war activities. Why? I guess they don’t care (indifference). So, if a country that sees threat in Russia is changing its policy towards russian citizen, it’s to respect. There are plenty other competitions: f.e. Tchaikovsky in Moscow. God speed…

      • Tamino says:

        Based on that „logic“, no Brit or American can be allowed to perform or compete anywhere in the world, since – IN FACT – their government‘s wars in the last decades killed many more innocent civilians in the world than Putin ever did or probably will ever do.

      • Another Orchestral Musician says:

        I can’t remember any American being banned from music competitions during Vietnam or Irak… go figure…!

      • LaVoix12 says:

        Anastasiya Taratorkina lives in Germany since 2019.

  • Alan says:

    Absolutely disgraceful behaviour. I’ve said it before. Collective punishment is a war crime under the Geneva Convention. This is a stark example of it.

  • Norwegian says:

    Bunch of non-educated folks!

  • Anthony Sayer says:

    Unbelievably petty and uninformed behaviour.

  • MMcGrath says:

    Little bourgeois racists and fascists are finding it easy to advance their “gut feel” (can’t really call it a philosophy or ideology). “Half-Russian” sounds too much like “half-breed” and “half-Jew” to be anywhere near acceptable. In fact, we should combat this creeping disease before we wake up one day in these fraught times and find our “half” has been cancelled.

  • Lilas Pastia says:

    The title is misleading, as there is no information in the article about the lady being expelled from Norway, i.e. being deported or refused entry by the immigration authorities. Russians are not barred from entering Norway, and certainly not someone with dual citizenship German/Russians.

    This young lady apparently has entered the competition even though the competition rules clearly state that persons holding Russian citizenship are disqualified.

    “The competition’s regulations determine that participants represent their respective nations. The competition board endorses Norway’s condemnation of Russia’s illegal and brutal attacks on Ukraine. The competition stands in solidarity with Ukraine and its citizens. Applications from singers with Russian or Belarusian citizenship will therefore not be accepted”

    • LaVoix says:

      Mrs Taratorkina registered with her German passport to represent GERMANY, where she lives since many years. Why does the Russian passport count more than the German? Especially, because she does not live in Russia any more?

  • May says:

    It would have been better to admit her and then eliminate her in the first round. Problem solved.

  • Reb Tevyeh says:

    Half Russian! Couldn’t they just have expelled her mezzo register?