How slow can Steve Reich go?

How slow can Steve Reich go?

Daily Comfort Zone

norman lebrecht

April 11, 2023

If you are looking for music that makes time revolve backwards, this tape of Reich’s Pulses (from Music for 18 Musicians), slowed down to one-eighth of its prescribed speed, might just make you happy.

Or commit murder.

Here’s the original:


  • Sol L Siegel says:

    And then, of course, there’s this (and has been, for decades, and possibly will be for centuries to come)…

  • caranome says:

    Sounds like those countless music for insomniacs on YouTube that drones on interminably for you to sleep. But in the hands of a critic, it’s “Pulse is essentially a static piece, as rapt and contemplative as anything in Reich’s output. It’s the seamless, intertwining canons in the woodwind and strings that give the shape and character to this ravishing quarter-hour movement, with airy, weightless textures.”

    This shows just how out of touch critics n academics are from normal music fans as they dress up boring sounds with high falutin mumbo jumbo with lots of fancy words n made up concepts that don’t mean a thing in the end. Boring shit will do nicely.

  • Tom says:

    The slow version is similar to a YouTube channel I sometimes use for insomnia.