Lord of Rings composer Howard Shore protests shoddy UK concerts

Lord of Rings composer Howard Shore protests shoddy UK concerts


norman lebrecht

April 09, 2023

A message from the website of the composer of Lord of the Rings:

We feel it is necessary to alert fans and followers of The Lord of the Rings in Concert that there are a number of concerts that have no association with Howard Shore in the UK and Germany being billed as “Der Herr der Ringe und der Hobbit” or “The Music of The Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit” produced by Star Entertainment. Please be warned, Howard Shore has nothing to do with these concerts. There is a current lawsuit in process to have the concerts stopped. The music that is being played is assembled from unauthorized bootleg arrangements and not at the standard of quality insisted upon by Howard Shore.

We are so disappointed to hear of the recent disaster in Portsmouth UK at the Portsmouth Guildhall on April 1, 2023. The Guildhall should not have initially booked the concert or allowed the performance go on. If you were an audience member at any of the “Der Herr der Ringe und der Hobbit” productions by Star Entertainment, we would suggest you contact the hall for a full refund.

The wonderful fans of The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit films deserve better than these subpar productions.

Howard Shore and CAMI Music are committed to presenting only the highest quality performances of The Lord of the Rings in Concert using the original scores created by Howard Shore himself for these concerts from his award-winning composition performed live to the entire films.


pictured: Howard Shore with team of  The  Song of Names


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