Calleja faces surgery

Calleja faces surgery


norman lebrecht

April 17, 2023

Message from the Maltese tenor Joseph Calleja:

‘It is with great regret that I will have to renounce to my performances as Alfredo at the Bayerischer Staatsoper in Munich. This is due to some minor surgery I need to address chronic Gastroesophageal reflux disease that has worsened in recent years. I expect to fully recover by the end of May and look forward to my performances in Parsifal in my Bayreuth debut in June. I am so sorry to disappoint many of you who were looking forward to hearing me, but I promise to be back in Munich soon!’

BavarianĀ  State Opera have split his role between Charles Castronovo (April 20 and 23) and Freddie de Tommaso (April 26).


  • Gustavo says:

    heartburn = Herzeleide

  • Malcolm Chandler says:

    Terfel looks unimpressed.