Breaking: Half-naked music director ends his Dutch outing

Breaking: Half-naked music director ends his Dutch outing


norman lebrecht

April 21, 2023

An unexpected turn at Dutch National Opera and the Netherlands Philharmonic as the exhibitionist young music director seeks a better life-work balance (or something like that).

Here’s the press release:
Lorenzo Viotti will remain chief conductor with the Netherlands Philharmonic Orchestra and Dutch National Opera until the end of the 24/25 season. Then he will choose a new rhythm. “I have decided to prioritize my personal life and development in the future in which I am the master of my own time,” said Viotti. ‘I look forward to breaking new ground in this area, after a wonderful four-year adventure as chief conductor. My relationship with the musicians, choir members, colleagues and of course the audience and the city of Amsterdam will always be there.’

After the 24/25 season Viotti, 33, will continue to return as guest conductor at both institutions.


  • Observer says:

    Gosh, imagine working in classical music and having the LUXURY of choosing a better work life balance!

  • Ko Ksuker says:

    He’s starting an onlyfans. Calling it now.

  • Pedro says:

    A very poor conductor. Everything I have heard conducted by him was boring, empty or superficial.

  • A.L. says:

    “I have decided to prioritize my personal life and development of my abdominals in the future in which I am the master of my own awesome body,” said Viotti. “I look forward to breaking new ground in this area, after a wonderful four-year adventure as chief dumbbell lifter. My relationship with (….) the gyms in the city of Amsterdam will always be there.”

  • Tamino says:

    “I have decided to prioritize my personal life and development in the future in which I am the master of my own time,”

    Sounds lame. He has no family with children to take care of. He already makes shitloads of money in a profession that gives him a lot of leisure time (evident by his instagrammed diaries).

    I guess the true meaning of above words is: „I realized I‘m not passionate enough about classical music to devote my life to it.“
    I wish him well, may he find the true meaning and calling in his future activities.

    • George says:

      Maybe he’s planning to start his own family.
      And he can probably choose his engagements by now.
      To say that he’s not passionate enough about classical music does not seem fair. He may not be passionate about the administration side of his work (just guessing).
      But he surely is passionate about music. The whole family is – they all became professional musicians just like their parents.

      • Tamino says:

        Maybe, but “master of my own time” in a profession where he already has loads of that, more than most people ever will have, it just sounds a bit jaded and narcissistic and lacking passion.
        Administrative work? He spends a few weeks a year in Amsterdam, maybe 12?
        People in his generation, in the high paying ambitious jobs, work 60 hour weeks often, little vacation.
        Just get real. Lame. But it runs a bit also in that generation that grew up in cotton balls.

  • Melisande says:

    Summary of Viotti’s explanation:
    “It fits me better to live and work out of the emperor’s new clothes”.
    We wish him well.

  • Gerard says:

    Not suprising! A flashy uncurious conductor doing the same old trick (the standard classical repertoire). Using a dutch orchestra for a couple of years to learn the trade, and goes off to a better paid job (in the US probably). Programms dictated by the conductor instead of a creative and innovative artistic board. Welcome to the deplorable world of Classical Music

    • Donna Elvira says:

      Have you actually hear him? I ask in the spirit of accuracy. It would be enlightening to read the performances he has given and you attended. I speak as one who has been to two of his concerts and they were pretty good actually.
      So list away please !

    • Guest says:

      I am really not the biggest fan of his but to call him uncurious is a bit unfair… Zemlinsky’s Der Zwerg is hardly standard classical repertoire and while Rosenkavalier and Lohengrin (next year) are standard, they are new to him because he has never conducted them before. So yes, he still is “learning the trade” which is completely normal given his age. But that’s not his fault, so if the orchestra wants someone who doesn’t have to learn the trade then they’d simply have to appoint someone older.

  • Sarcasmus says:

    Good for him.
    Enjoy life the best way you can and let small individuals criticize you for it!

  • Jerry says:

    I am very surprised by all the jealousy and hatred that people here have against Lorenzo Viotti. For no reason (being good looking isn’t a crime). Let’s be respectful.

  • Catherine Naglestad says:

    It is disturbing to read the sarcasm and vitriol expressed here.
    Maestro Viotti is an extraordinary musical talent, with sensitivity and technique far beyond his years…and, yes, he is truly devoted to his family.
    Please, be kind…
    (Lorenzo, thank you for your time, energy, understanding and humor! Wherever your path leads, may you be blessed)

    • Sarah Donata Schneider says:

      Have thanks for your compassionate words in this discussion.

      (And what an unexspected wonderful surprise to read your name here. You are sorely missed on the opera stages of Europe. All the best from my heart.)

  • Anthony Sayer says:

    Can anybody imagine Haitink, for example, talking like this?

  • Edoardo says:

    Maybe he just doesn’t like to be musical director and wants to live the life of the guest conductor, free of administrative and managerial responsibility

  • Fred Funk says:

    He’s above average, compared to the members of his viola section. Their average daily consumption, is about 5 pepperoni Hot pockets, and six cans of off-brand diet soda. THAT’S the problem.

  • Player says:

    Is he…on a, y’know… journey…? The maturing ladies of Slipped Disc will be appalled if he goes over to the dark side!

  • Charlotte Halton says:

    Does anyone have his phone number?