America’s most anti-semitic university?

America’s most anti-semitic university?


norman lebrecht

April 11, 2023

City University of New York has featured in our posts before as a hotbed of anti-Jewish propaganda.

Seems like others have cottoned on.

Read this:
City University of New York has successfully completed a yearslong initiative to expunge all Jews from its senior leadership.

Spring will see the exit of the last two remaining Jews on the school’s 80-member senior-leadership team, in a city whose population is about 20% Jewish.

It will be the first time since its 1961 founding that CUNY’s senior leadership will be Jew-free or Judenrein, for those who fear the horrors of history repeating itself.

This is just one of many systemic initiatives designed to expel the Jewish presence at CUNY.

The once-vibrant recruitment of students at New York City’s Jewish schools has all but ceased at most campuses, and there is now abundant evidence demonstrating it’s more difficult than ever for a Jewish professor to attain a CUNY faculty position.

But what bodes even worse for the city’s Jewish students and academic leaders is that CUNY seems hell-bent on replacing its Jews with anti-Semites.

And read on here.


  • Mark Wait says:

    Now you are relying on Rupert Murdoch’s NY Post as a source of information? We expect better than that from Slipped Disc.

  • Bone says:

    Well, if I’m not mistaken there is no Jewish quota that universities have to meet; perhaps Jews can claim BIPOC status and reject their whiteness?
    Regardless, I’m sure the replacements will be diversity hires that will bring about a glorious DEI revolution and eventually expel anyone not of the correct race or political ideology; only then will the purity of non-white races be achieved.

  • Helen Kamioner says:

    The majority of US Universities are already infected with anti-Semites and anti-Semitism. To me it brings to mind Germany 1933 and The White Rose (German: Weiße Rose, pronounced [ˈvaɪ̯sə ˈʁoːzə] (listen)) was a non-violent, intellectual resistance group in Nazi Germany which was led by five students and one professor at the University of Munich: Willi Graf, Kurt Huber, Christoph Probst, Alexander Schmorell, Hans Scholl and Sophie Scholl. The group conducted an anonymous leaflet and graffiti campaign that called for active opposition to the Nazi regime. Their activities started in Munich on 27 June 1942; they ended with the arrest of the core group by the Gestapo on 18 February 1943.[1] They, as well as other members and supporters of the group who carried on distributing the pamphlets, faced show trials by the Nazi People’s Court (Volksgerichtshof); many of them were imprisoned and executed.

    Hans and Sophie Scholl, as well as Christoph Probst were executed by guillotine four days after their arrest, on 22 February 1943. During the trial, Sophie interrupted the judge multiple times. No defendants were given any opportunity to speak.

  • JSBachinAmerika says:

    Please consider the source, the New York Post.

  • Scott says:

    Doesn’t Philip Ewell teach in the CUNY system? I wonder if he’s objected to the antisemitism at his employer?

    P.S. CUNY Law School is currently being investigated by the NY Human Rights Commission for antisemitism.

  • william osborne says:

    CUNY has taken steps to counter this problem which seems to be centered around the Israel-Palestine conflict.

    Also, the New York Post has been criticized since the beginning of Murdoch’s ownership for sensationalism, blatant advocacy, and conservative bias. In 1980, the Columbia Journalism Review made an astoundingly blunt assessment that the “New York Post is no longer merely a journalistic problem. It is a social problem—a force for evil.”

    Whatever the case, I hope CUNY’s efforts to address the problem will be successful.

  • Henry Cohen says:

    I don’t know anything about this, but I wouldn’t take it seriously unless it is reported by a more reputable source than the New York Post, which is the Fox News of tabloids.

  • Sam says:

    The Post cannot be taken seriously, though. It is a disgusting right-wing scandal sheet.

  • Rich C. says:

    These anti-Semites are not “right-wing, white supremist, neo-Nazis”. They are left-wing, mostly “minority groups”. Therefore it will never be reported on by the US main-stream media. It doesn’t fit “the narrative”.

  • Enquiring Mind says:

    Posted here because CUNY has a music department?

  • Euphonium Al says:

    Sad if true, as there is no paucity of anti-Semitic academic institutions in the good ol’ US of A. Makes me particularly sad to see this about CUNY as an aunt is retired faculty and the university has many distinguished Jewish alumni. Hopefully this is a temporary lapse but I suppose optimism would be unwarranted.

  • NYMike says:

    I find this disheartening as the widower of an English tenured full professor at a CUNY college.

  • Alank says:

    Most American Jews are progressives and are impervious to the impacts of their fealty to leftist politics which will undoubtedly lead to a vey unhappy future. Other statistics show the percentage of Jewish students and faculty at Ivy League universities has dropped dramatically in the last. 20 years This is what happens when meritocracy is supplanted by quotas. Asian Americans are the next targets of this purge. Maybe they will wake up unlike most of my co-religionists

    • Minutewaltz says:

      Asian Americans are fighting back. They are bringing a case against US universities for practising positive discrimination against some ethnic minorities at the expense of Asian students.

  • Gerry Feinsteen says:

    Woke entails varying degrees of antisemitism. If you’re Jewish you must be anti-Palestinian—or that’s how [Google: CUNY Kiswani] would wish you to believe, probably. In other words, if you were born into. Jewish family, with a Jewish name you are no different from a pre-1776 southern slaveowner.

    Woke started off okay, but like most movements, its acceleration off the tracks took it over a cliff.

  • Tiredofitall says:

    New Yorkers do not take their news from the New York Post (much as we all enjoy the word-of-mouth gossip of Page Six). Only out-of-towners and those in the far reaches of the outer boroughs.

  • Sue Sonata Form says:

    Well, some US elite universities have had quotas to reduce the number of Asian students for some time. The brave new world of the authoritarian Left!!

  • Doodle says:

    What does it matter that they’re Jewish? Seems like you’re tugging at identity politics here. This also has nothing to do with music, slow news day?

  • Stephen Owades says:

    I would advise adding a great many caveats to editorial and op-ed pieces in the New York Post, which is a viciously slanted Rupert Murdoch newspaper that is heavily Trumpist.

    • Baffled in Buffalo says:

      Mr. Owades, do you think that the Post, whatever its biases, MANUFACTURED the figure of there being just 2 Jewish members of the 80 member senior management team? 2 members who are soon leaving. In a city that is 20% Jewish–and considering the traditional Jewish interest in education?

  • Reality Sux says:

    American universities, especially on the coasts, are hotbeds of anti Americanism – the more privileged, the more self hating. So it’s not surprising that many of their staff adhere to the most virulent type of anti Israeli and antisemitic sentiment, according to which Israel is but an extension of white supremacy and is an imperialist force serving American interests and (yet again) oppressing the indigenous. The most ‘progressive’ among us have little clue just how much they have in common with fundamentalist strains of religion they otherwise loathe. Sad!

  • PFmus says:

    All the carping you do about the NYT and yet you expect us to believe that a Murdoch owned tabloid has any credibility? New Low, Norman.

  • Madeleine Richardson says:

    It should never be forgotten that Standford University taught eugenics prior to WWII. In fact eugenics was a Anglosphere philosophy that was taken up by the Nazis. I am not Jewish but the historical facts are there.

  • Anthony Sayer says:

    The NYP article has a very interesting comments thread.

  • Tom Phillips says:

    Rupert Murdoch’s New York Post is hardly a credible news publication (any more than Fox “News”) and most New Yorkers very much including Jewish ones think of it as either bird cage liner or best used to pick up your dog’s bodily droppings during a walk.

  • Sartor says:

    How sad and ironic for the institution once known as the “Jewish Harvard”.
    And yet the majority of American Jews continue to support the Democrats, the party of BLM and CRT…

  • Harry Collier says:

    What does this have to do with music and musicians?

  • Helen Kamioner says:

    Thank you NL for bringing these awful facts and situation to your readers. I am dismayed at their attitude of denial regarding the message carrier, which here includes the Post, rather than the message. Painfully scary.

  • Helen Kamioner says:

    As a New York based publicist I have quite a few friends who write for the Post and believe me, they are far more qualified and less biased than NYSlimes reporters