Ida Haendel teaches Poles

Ida Haendel teaches Poles

Daily Comfort Zone

norman lebrecht

March 18, 2023

The great violinist left Poland in the mid-1930s when she was eight years old.

She quickly learned English and French and had little further use for her first language.

But seventy years on, in 2003, she returned to give a masterclass in Warsaw, teaching in fluent, flawless Polish.


  • Helen Kamioner says:

    which goes to prove mother tongue is never lost

  • Nicholas says:

    She restores my faith in civilization that once upon a time Ida Haendel walked the earth. Time for me to delve into her recording legacy. Thank you for pointing the light on this incredible artist.

  • pvl says:

    As far as I know she was fluent at least in five languages. Maybe more.