Gergiev ‘honoured’ in Beijing

Gergiev ‘honoured’ in Beijing


norman lebrecht

March 29, 2023

The Russian conductor is spending three days on Putin’s orders in the Chinese capital, twice as long as his usual touchdown.

He said he was .privileged, happy and honoured’ to be there.

Chinese media report:
Gergiev and the orchestra’s tour comes days after China and Russia signed and released a joint statement saying that the two sides will strengthen exchanges between museums, libraries, art galleries, theaters and other cultural, literary and artistic institutions.

“We once had extensive exchanges and cooperation between our two countries. Our cultural exchanges will be strengthened and grow thanks to the statement,” said the 69-year-old, adding that the reason he and the orchestra are in Beijing is to bring music to the people who love it.


  • Serge says:

    How lucky the Chinese are to hear this wonderful orchestra. On the other hand, I read so often in Slipped Disc about European orchestras and ensembles facing extermination. But I guess the sanctions are working as they should

    • Henry says:

      How lucky? The Chinese have been hearing the Mariinsky at least once every year since 1998, including then opera and ballet.

    • CRWang says:

      Fascist authoritarian regimes subsidize high culture to whitewash their crimes. How wonderful that Beijing has a great orchestra while 1 million Uighurs are in concentration camps. Can’t come to London to buy properties or Gucci bags with their ill gotten gains so off to Beijing for some high culture instead.

    • Brettermeier says:

      I highly doubt I’ll read anything dumber than this today.

    • Jean says:

      Sergey, how’s the weather in Moscow today ?

    • PShi says:

      Translated from the Weibo post of one audience in Beijing: The orchestra was like “zombie walking” during half of Shostakovich the 5th, and one bassoon player disappeared from the stage DURING Bruckner 4 until the very end.

    • Mystic Chord says:

      Serge can enjoy the warm glow of isolation. And the people who are genuinely facing ‘extermination’ are in Ukraine, not the orchestras of Europe. Mr Gergiev can enjoy many more tours to China in the future, hope he likes the food …

  • Musician says:

    Hitler, Stalin, Chavez… How is it that dictators understand so well that high quality and ambitious music is so important to influence societies, and yet our democratic leaders totally miss that point?! Bernstein stated this so clearly that music does not change the world but it changes people who change the world. But our leaders do not listen. They serve us popular rubbish which dumbs us down. And if you want to see my point – just read articles on how different TikTok is in China than it is in the rest of the world. The Chinese one is ambitious, informative and educational, while the Westernised version is anything but.

    • niloiv says:

      From what I heard TikTok is also the synonym of low culture in China… I’m sure there’re some ‘informative and educational’ contents, like in many other platforms (SD included, to some extent at least), but ultimately it’s the kitsch and endless political cliches that get the views and comments

  • Tom says:

    There’s no excuse for Gergiev. Rich, successful, top of the heap, and he’s a fawning Putin fanboy.

  • Maria says:

    Will Gergiev be performing for the Ukrainian children as well?

  • Alan says:

    Still using that ridiculous toothpick. Pretentious? Moi?

    How was he ever taken seriously?

  • Lothario Hunter says:

    Is he feeling as honored as Muti felt, when he received the Order of Friendship Award from Putin?



    How did Muti feel when he sent back the Order of Friendship Award to Putin, if he sent it back (I could not confirm if he sent it back, I assume he did, but I am not sure)?

    I would feel more honored with Putin’s award, I judge. I don’t know. …. what do you think?