Scots end funding for Sistema orchestra

Scots end funding for Sistema orchestra


norman lebrecht

February 24, 2023

The BBC reports that Dundee City Council has terminated its support for Sistema Scotland’s Big Noise programme.

The scheme provided free music tuition to kids from deprived backgrounds. The loss of £300,000 in council money may force it to close.

More here.


  • Rachelle Goldberg says:

    Shocking. It’s always the same. Short term projects and funding then slashed. This is providing an invaluable opportunity for pupils/ students who would not have the chance to learn an instrument. By learning and playing with others produces so many benefits. It does not matter that they are not going to become professional musicians, but introduces them to the world of music which is a life long skill and interest. The Council are more interested in devolution from England than to culturally benefit their residents.

    • sonicsinfonia says:

      True – but at least Scotland funded this project up to now. England didn’t bother at all.

      • Rachelle Goldberg says:

        The reason for that is that all Music Hubs in their particular county or borough are providing instrumental tuition to pupils who live in areas of social deprivation. One of the successes has been Whole Class instrumental tuition where at least one year group in each school has had the opportunity to learn and instrument for one year and also to take it further

      • IC225 says:

        Incorrect. There are six In Harmony projects in England and they’ve been funded through the Department for Education, the Arts Council of England and local government through various channels.